
composer:Arthur Sullivan (composer)
librettist:W.S. Gilbert (librettist)
part of:The Mikado (order: 3)
parts:1. The Mikado: Act II, no. 12, “Braid the Raven Hair” (Pitti-Sing and Girls)
2. The Mikado: Act II, no. 13. “The sun, whose rays are all ablaze” (Yum-Yum)
3. The Mikado: Act II, no. 14, “Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day” (Yum-Yum, Pitti-Sing, Nanki-Pooh, and Pish-Tish)
4. The Mikado: Act II, no. 15. “Here’s a how-de-do” (Yum-Yum, Nanki-Poo and Ko-Ko)
5. The Mikado: Act II, no. 16, “Mi-ya Sa-ma” … “From Every Kind of Man Obedience I Expect” (Mikado, Katisha, Chorus)
6. The Mikado: Act II, no. 17, “A More Humane Mikado” (Mikado, Chorus)
7. The Mikado: Act II, no. 18, “The Criminal Cried as He Dropped Him Down” (Ko-Ko, Pitti-Sing, Pooh-Bah, Chorus)
8. The Mikado: Act II, no. 19, “See How the Fates Their Gifts Allot” (Mikado, Pitti-Sing, Pooh-Bah, Ko-Ko and Katisha)
9. The Mikado: Act II, no. 20, “The Flowers That Bloom In the Spring” (Nanki-Pooh, Ko-Ko, Yum-Yum, Pitti-Sing, and Pooh-Bah)
10. The Mikado: Act II, no. 21, “Alone, and Yet Alive…” (Katisha)
11. The Mikado: Act II, no. 22, “On a Tree by a River” (Ko-Ko) (willow, tit-willow)
12. The Mikado: Act II, no. 23. “There is beauty in the bellow of the blast” (Katisha and Ko-Ko)
13. The Mikado: Act II, No 24. Finale “For He’s Gone and Married Yum-Yum…” (Ensemble)