Music From Star Wars: The Old Republic (official website download)

~ Release by Various Artists (see all versions of this release, 2 available)


From the blog post:

Listen to the Music of The Old Republic

The Collector’s Edition of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ includes seventeen original tracks, but this is just a small sampling of the breadth of music that was composed specifically for the game. As we count down the days until our December 20th launch, we want you to experience the entire original score! That’s why, starting today and continuing every day until launch, we are releasing one new musical track available for download each day on both Facebook and YouTube!

You can head over to our Facebook page right now to listen to and discuss “The Mandalorian Blockade”, the first track that we’ve released. This track is also available to download below, and all of the released tracks will be available for download from this page on December 20th. Make sure that you check back to Facebook each day to listen to the latest musical score from the game, and while you’re there remember to ‘Like’ us so that you don’t miss a single track.

Annotation last modified on 2022-04-15 06:22 UTC.


Digital Media 1
1The Mandalorian Blockade
recording of:
The Mandalorian Blockade (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Mark Griskey (Mark Thomas Griskey), Gordy Haab, Lennie Moore and Wilbert Roget, II
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Mark Griskey, Wilbert Roget, II, Gordy Haab & Lennie Moore5:26
2Korriban, The Homeworld
recording of:
Korriban, The Homeworld (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Mark Griskey5:20
3Yesterday’s Jawa
recording of:
Yesterday's Jawa (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Steve Kirk
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Steve Kirk2:45
4Average Brown Wookiee
recording of:
Average Brown Wookiee (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Peter McConnell (US video game composer & musician)
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Peter McConnell2:57
5Ord Mantell, The Battleground
recording of:
Ord Mantell, The Battleground (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Mark Griskey (Mark Thomas Griskey) and Gordy Haab
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Gordy Haab & Mark Griskey6:22
6Nal Hutta, The Glorious Jewel
recording of:
Nal Hutta, The Glorious Jewel (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Gordy Haab
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Gordy Haab6:02
7Tython, The Wellspring
recording of:
Tython, The Wellspring (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Wilbert Roget, II
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Wilbert Roget, II7:00
8Dromund Kaas, The Seat of Power
recording of:
Dromund Kaas, The Seat of Power (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Mark Griskey, Jesse Harlin & Gordy Haab5:26
9Coruscant, The Capital
recording of:
Coruscant, The Capital (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Lennie Moore6:39
10Do the Holos Show Up on the Bill?
recording of:
Do the Holos Show Up on the Bill? (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Steve Kirk2:38
11Kayfoundo Naweea
recording of:
Kayfoundo Naweea (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Peter McConnell2:35
12Balmorra, The Forge
recording of:
Balmorra, The Forge (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
part of:
The Complete Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic (game soundtrack)
Lennie Moore & Jesse Harlin56:12
13Taris, The Plague
recording of:
Taris, The Plague (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Jesse Harlin & Wilbert Roget, II6:42
14Nar Shaddaa, The Playground
recording of:
Nar Shaddaa, The Playground (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Wilbert Roget, II & Jesse Harlin6:04
15Tatooine, The Desert Sands
recording of:
Tatooine, The Desert Sands (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Wilbert Roget, II & Jesse Harlin5:30
16Alderaan, The Throne
recording of:
Alderaan, The Throne (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Lennie Moore6:30
17In the Escape Pod
recording of:
In The Escape Pod (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Steve Kirk2:09
18Doe Azalus Ootmian
recording of:
Doe Azalus Ootmian (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Jared Emerson-Johnson2:44
19The Occupation of Balmorra
recording of:
The Occupation of Balmorra (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Lennie Moore, Mark Griskey & Jesse Harlin4:32
20-1The Battle for Coruscant
recording of:
The Battle For Coruscant (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Gordy Haab & Lennie Moore6:18
20-2Hoth, The Frozen Wastes
recording of:
Hoth, The Frozen Wastes (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Wilbert Roget, II6:26
20-3Belsavis, The Ancient Prison
recording of:
Belsavis, The Ancient Prison (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Wilbert Roget, II6:18
20-4Voss, The Mystic Garden
recording of:
Voss, The Mystic Garden (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Jesse Harlin & Mark Griskey5:30
20-5Cut the Phobium
recording of:
Cut the Phobium (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Steve Kirk2:29
20-6That Slippery Little Hutt of Mine
recording of:
That Slippery Little Hutt of Mine (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Jared Emerson-Johnson2:37
20-7Corellia, The Shipyards
recording of:
Corellia, The Shipyards (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Gordy Haab & Wilbert Roget, II9:39
20-8Credits Where Credits Are Due
recording of:
Credits Where Credits Are Due (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Jared Emerson-Johnson2:35
20-9The Siege of Alderaan
recording of:
The Siege of Alderaan (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Gordy Haab & Mark Griskey5:16