Dwelling of Duels 2023-09: 20th Anniversary Month

~ Release by Dwelling of Duels (see all versions of this release, 1 available)


Digital Media 1
1Super Mario Odyssey - In The Donk
Newmajoe, Super Soul Bros., Robbie Benson, Brian Sheu, Anthony Franceschi, Alex Popoff, Christian Manzana, Sam Schwartz, Biggoron, Bert Keely, ErichWK & Gene Dreyband5:55
2Celeste - Confronting Myself
Cory Johnson, Andromeda, Angry Polar Bear, darmock, Ian Martyn & streifig20:23
3Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Go For The Gold (DoD Winning Anthem)
Ivan Hakštok & Nemo5:56
4Super Smash Bros. Brawl & Ultimate - With a Little Help From My Friends
TheManPF, Zachary Chapman, Shinobisyntax & Niko Vargas5:30
5Excitebike, Excitebike 64, Moto Racer, Moto Racer 2, Paperboy 64, Road Rash 2, Road Rash 3, Sega Rally Championship, Twisted Metal 2 & Twisted Metal 3 - Bike Kid 2000: All Outta Gas
Prince uf Darkness, Ailsean, Flik, norg, Alex Brandon, Cory Johnson, Ivan Hakštok, tibonev, Lucas Guimaraes, JoeCam & evilsonic22:59
6Bonk’s Adventure - Forehead kisses the clouds
7Shovel Knight & Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment - Explosions and MORE EXPLOSIONS!!!
RetroReboot & minusworld3:49
8Gundam Wing Endless Duel - Your Tallgeese is Cooked
Jabo & BARx5:08
9Rastan Saga II - DoD 2oth Anniverary)_Demo2
10Final Fantasy V -Dear DoD Friends
11Yoshi’s Island & Super Mario World - Weird Lore
Connor Engstrom & Prince uf Fartness3:49
12EarthBound - Winters is Coming
part of:
OverClocked ReMix (number: OCR04525)
cover recording of:
スノーマン (Snowman, EarthBound)
part of:
OverClocked ReMix works catalog (number: 820)
version of:
Snowman (Mother)
part of:
EarthBound (video game soundtrack)
13F-Zero - Venti Violet
Shea’s Violin2:40
14NieR Re[in]carnation - Homesick for DoD
15Choujin Sentai Jetman - Winged Squadron
16Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 5 - Dugout Dynasty
17Final Fantasy VII - A Distant Memory
Brandon Strader6:10
18Super Mario Bros. 3 - Jump and Flare
19Pokémon Scarlet/Violet & Custom Robo Battle Revolution - Not A water Level
Extrinzic, Mattmatatt & Brandon Harnish5:45
20Mario Party - Pudthumping
Plumbawamba, evilsonic, Andromeda, Angry Polar Bear & Newmajoe2:56
21Midnight Resistance [Genesis] - The Assassination of King Crimson by the Coward Johnny Ford
Mega Beardo4:08
22Portal 2 - dear pud ❤️
Daniel Caton2:37
23F-Zero X - Silent Dreams
24Secret of Mana - Dark Sky Over Pandora
25Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Nah Me Oh-Que Now!
Bruce Bonebrake II2:14
26Final Fantasy - First Fantasy
27Tecmo Bowl, Captain Tsubasa Vol. II, Radia Senki & Ninja Gaiden - Time for Tecmo Time
Super Strikers, Dino Lionetti, Stemage, Kev Ragone & Ap0c7:13
28Mega Man 6 - a classic of mega man medleys is being revived in a big way for the DOD
29Final Fantasy IV - ME ATTACK YOU
30Silent Hill 4: The Room - Little Orphan Antichrist
The Tonberries, CeCe Ennui, Jake Helland, Scrab Cakes & Melancholy Robot3:13
31Sonic Frontiers - Dear Kata
krobonil & Daphne F.4:19
32Terminator 2 [NES] - Truck Stop
33Super Paper Mario - Flipside Part L: The Jester and The Void
Lucas Guimaraes, Brandon Harnish, Sly Man, TheManPF, jnWake & Chromatic Apparatus8:24
34Tokimeki Memorial 3: Yakusoku no Ano Basho de - Oh, The Memories We Share
35Rad Racer - Sunset Rex
36Final Fantasy VI - Dancing madly to finish this because I thought the deadline was the 30th
37Vampire Survivors - Celestial Dusting
38Final Fantasy VII - Fight Medley
Hingle McCringleberry & Los5:44
39Animal Crossing: Wild World - POV: It’s 1956, you’re on a date, you just ordered a milkshake from a pidgeon, and this comes on the jukebox
Floating Continent, elbowplays, Mason Hoffman & Jake Helland3:14
40Stardew Valley - Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
The Adventure Guild3:26
41RoboCop - Born to Love, Programmed to be a Dumbass
Ian Cowell
Carrie Wood
guest drums (drum set):
Andy Wade (drummer)
guitar and synthesizer:
Ian Cowell
contains samples by:
Kurtwood Smith (US television & film actor) (spoken vocals)
Carrie Wood
music videos:
Born to Love, Programmed to be a Dumbass by Bi Score
Bi Score, Ian Cowell & Carrie Wood3:39
42Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake - Mannziber Breeze
43Touhou 12.3: Hisoutensoku - The Legend of Hisoutensoku (Sanae’s Hot-Blooded Musical Fanfiction)
Jett Swole5:34
44Over Horizon - Final Area, Final Boss
45Donkey Kong Country - Toccatic Ambience
General Grunt2:27
46Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse - dracula sucked away all my time to work on this track
Ronin Op F3:00
47F-Zero - 99% Water level
Siolfor the Jackal2:21
48Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - For All the Marbles
49Midnight Resistance [Genesis] - Flood of Power
Delicious Nick2:32
50Dark Cloud 2 - Just a Tree Spirit Trying to Chill
51Outrun 3-D - Neon Ocean
tibonev & Jinx4:55
52Chrono Trigger - The Black Wind Howls At the Showdown With Magus
The Rocket Knights & Travis Snowberger3:30
53Treasure of the Rudras - 15 Days
assistant mixer:
Shea’s Violin
Siolfor the Jackal (video game arrangement)
drums (drum set):
Serrin’s Toes
Nicole Chang
Ian Martyn (video game arranger)
UPA’s Chocoband, Ian Martyn, Nicole Chang, Serrin’s Toes, Shea’s Violin, Siolfor the Jackal & Unknown Pseudoartist5:37
54Castlevania - Everything in Texas is on fire
55Ghoul School - Library and Hallway Hijinx
56Lunacid - Falling to My // Bass Department
Zachary Chapman4:40
57Kingdom Hearts - Pimple and Cream
Jinx & PocketCrow2:35
58R.C. Pro-Am & OutRun - I Hate Myself and Want to Drive
The Beauty of Grind2:35
59Psycho Soldier - Athena’s Form Shines
60[unknown] - All I Ever Wanted (Was to Sit in Ventrilo Playing DotA)
61Persona 5 - We are Running in an Eternal Circle to Celebrate our Victory (on the Planet Funkotron)
Bi Score, Ian Cowell & Carrie Wood3:15
62Ristar - Red Beans and Ristar
63Earthbound - Pollyanna (live)
64Hypnospace Outlaw - DoD is Old
65Yoshi’s Island & Super Mario World - Weird AI
Connor Engstrom & Prince uf Fartness3:49
66Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily Stage Wah - Mega Man Doo
darmock, ThisIsJayC, Angry Polar Bear, Brandon Harnish, Cory Johnson, Eric from Eric’s Little Shack, Hat, Ian Martyn, jmr, Lucas Guimaraes, Mattmatatt, Pieness, TheManPF, Ronin Op F & valence2:47
67The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (2019) - Seashell Mansion (demo)
Dog Food For Bananas, Angry Polar Bear, Bano & Ronin Op F1:22
68Chrono Trigger - The Revolution Will Be Dooted
donut & lobby3:03
69Persona 5 - Rivers in the Desert
Earth Kid & Erika Richards5:15
70Tsugunai Atonement - Grief
EndlessRepeat & SableProvidence1:45
71Final Fantasy VI - This Battle, it’s so… Decisive
72Jade Cocoon - Koris, the Blues Cocoon Master
73Sea of Stars - Encounter!
Ian Martyn & Christopher S. Perry2:05
74TripTrip - Avec le piano ayant été soumis à du jamais vu
Ian Martyn0:53
75Fate/Stay Night - When the Morning Comes
Jett Swole & Earth Kid4:38
76Castlevania - Juese Belmont (In Loving Memery of OLRemix) (original - Shael Riley)
Jett Swole3:28
77Guilty Gear -Strive- - Smells Like Bullshit Blazing
Jett Swole5:03
78Sea of Stars - If You Want To Pay (Watcher Island)
JIM, Andromeda, Ronin Op F, Ian Martyn & evilsonic1:36
79Undertale - Megalovariations on D minor and other keys
80Super Paper Mario - Plumber? I hardly know her!
Lucas Guimaraes, Brandon Harnish, Sly Man, TheManPF, jnWake & Chromatic Apparatus0:41
81F-Zero 99 - Too busy playing F-Zero 99 to work on my main.
Lucas Guimaraes, Siolfor the Jackal, Cory Johnson, Newmajoe, Mattmatatt, Angry Polar Bear, evilsonic, Unknown Pseudoartist & S-Team1:03
82Baldur’s Gate 3 - First!
Lucas Guimaraes0:31
83Chrono Cross - Gods? There are none.
Lucas Guimaraes5:49
84The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening - House by the Cove (unfinished demo)
Ronin Op F0:31
85The World Ends With You - Forebode (demo)
Ronin Op F1:01
86Tetris - Theme A
Siolfor the Jackal, Serrin’s Toes & Soul in Sadness3:14
87Super Mario 64 - A Serious Answer
The Anonymous DoD Contestant, Gamer Tag, Bi Score & Prince uf Fartness3:02
88Mario Kart: Double Dash - It’s Called a Rainbow Road
The World Wasn’t Meant, evilsonic, atomic, Dr. Baby Boy & Zombie #33:02
89Final Fantasy VII - Dance of Dolls
accordion and organ:
bass and guitar:
evilsonic (video game arrangement)
Andromeda (video game arrangement)
Unknown Pseudoartist, Andromeda, evilsonic & krobonil0:55
90Terranigma - Light and Darkness
donut (clarinettist of Warp Whistles Music)
Unknown Pseudoartist & donut3:13
91Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals - Battle Song 2 (inspired by another arrangement by Shiki Hyokura and lyrics by Alice Nine)
Siolfor the Jackal (video game arrangement)
minusworld (video game arranger Grayson Hardaway)
piano and whistle:
Ian Martyn (video game arranger)
Ian Martyn (video game arranger)
UPA’s Chocobland, Ian Martyn, minusworld, Siolfor the Jackal & Unknown Pseudoartist3:45