Adelaide IV 2013

~ Release by Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival Choir (see all versions of this release, 1 available)


CD 1
1"Morning Fanfare" from The True Samaritan
choir vocals:
Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival Choir
recording of:
The True Samaritan: I. Morning Fanfare
Nigel Butterley (composer and pianist) (in 1958)
part of:
The True Samaritan
Nigel Butterley4:23
2"Lux Aurumque"
choir vocals:
Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival Choir
recording of:
Lux aurumque
Edward Esch
Eric Whitacre (composer) (in 2000)
Charles Anthony Silvestri
was commissioned by:
Master Chorale of Tampa Bay
Eric Whitacre3:48
3"We beheld once again the stars"
choir vocals:
Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival Choir
recording of:
We Beheld Once Again the Stars
Dante Alighieri (Florentine poet of the Middle Ages)
Z. Randall Stroope
Z. Randall Stroope6:59
4"O nata lux" from Lux aeternaMorten Lauridsen3:49
5All Night Vigil - Op. 37: I. Приидите, поклонимся - Priidite, poklonimsyaСергей Рахманинов2:30
6All Night Vigil - Op. 37: II. Благослови, душе моя, Господа - Blagoslovi, dushe moya, GospodaСергей Рахманинов3:56
7All Night Vigil - Op. 37: III. Блажен муж - Blazhen muzhСергей Рахманинов4:30
8All Night Vigil - Op. 37: IV. Свете тихій - Svete tihiyСергей Рахманинов2:29
9All Night Vigil - Op. 37: V. Ныне отпущаеши - Nyne otpushchayeshiСергей Рахманинов3:06
10All Night Vigil - Op. 37: VI. Богородице Дево - Bogoroditse DevoСергей Рахманинов2:21
11All Night Vigil - Op. 37: VII. Слава в вышних Богу - Slava v vïshnikh BoguСергей Рахманинов1:47
12All Night Vigil - Op. 37: VIII. Хвалите имя Господне - Hvalite imya GospodneСергей Рахманинов2:17
13All Night Vigil - Op. 37: IX. Благословен еси, Господи - Blagosloven yesi, GospodiСергей Рахманинов5:27
14All Night Vigil - Op. 37: X. Воскресение Христово видевше - Voskreseniye Hristovo videvsheСергей Рахманинов2:49
15All Night Vigil - Op. 37: XI. Величит душа моя Господа - Velichit dusha moya GospodaСергей Рахманинов5:54
16All Night Vigil - Op. 37: XII. Славословие великое - Slavosloviye velikoyeСергей Рахманинов7:06
17All Night Vigil - Op. 37: XIII. Днесь спасение - Dnes spaseniyeСергей Рахманинов1:32
18All Night Vigil - Op. 37: XIV. Воскрес из гроба - Voskres iz grobaСергей Рахманинов2:32
19All Night Vigil - Op. 37: XV. Взбранной воевод - Vzbrannoy voevodeСергей Рахманинов2:04