Three, Four & Twenty Lutes

~ Release by Jakob Lindberg, Robert Meunier, Nigel North, Paul O’Dette (see all versions of this release, 2 available)


CD 1
1Canzone a Otto Voci per suonar a 4 Liutti overo fantasia
Giovanni Antonio Terzi3:12
2Pass'e mezzo di Zorzi—Padoana—Saltarello
Giovanni Pacoloni3:15
3Temprar potess'io
4Canzone a Tre Liuti
Alessandro Piccinini4:10
5Madonna mia pietà
Orlando de Lasso2:02
6Pass'e mezzo della battaglia
Giovanni Pacoloni2:59
7Dialogo: Amor, se così dolce
Cipriano de Rore5:16
8Three Masque Dances
Robert Johnson5:40
9The Songe called Trumpets
Robert Parsons2:10
10Suite: Ballet—Ballet—Est-ce Mars—Courante de Mars—Un jour de la semaine—Allon aux noces—Gaillarde
Nicolas Vallet10:21
11Als ick u vinde
Jakob Lindberg (lutenist), Robert Meunier, Nigel North (English lute player) and Paul O’Dette (American conductor and lute player specialising in early music)
alto vocals:
Mary Nichols (soprano & alto)
bass vocals:
Richard Windstreich
soprano vocals:
Emily Van Evera (soprano)
tenor vocals:
Andrew King (operatic tenor)
recording of:
Als ick u vinde (arr. for lute by Emanuel Adriaenssen)
Hubert Waelrant (Composer from the Renaissance)
Emanuel Adriaenssen (Flemish 16th century composer & lutenist)
part of:
Pratum musicum (book of music authored by Emanuel Adriaenssen, pub. 1584) (number: 41)
arrangement of:
Als ick u vinde
Hubert Waelrant3:34
12O Villanella
Jakob Lindberg (lutenist), Robert Meunier, Nigel North (English lute player) and Paul O’Dette (American conductor and lute player specialising in early music)
alto vocals:
Mary Nichols (soprano & alto)
bass vocals:
Richard Windstreich
soprano vocals:
Emily Van Evera (soprano)
tenor vocals:
Andrew King (operatic tenor)
recording of:
O Villanella (arr. for lute by Emanuel Adriaenssen)
Hubert Waelrant (Composer from the Renaissance)
Emanuel Adriaenssen (Flemish 16th century composer & lutenist)
part of:
Pratum musicum (book of music authored by Emanuel Adriaenssen, pub. 1584) (number: 40)
arrangement of:
O Villanella
Hubert Waelrant1:21
13Pass'e mezzo milanese—Padoana—Saltarello
Giovanni Pacoloni4:07
