Once Upon a Time in Shaolin…

~ Release by Wu‐Tang Clan (see all versions of this release, 1 available)


Released in an edition of one copy, which was auctioned to the highest bidder (entrepreneur Martin Shkreli) through auction house Paddle8 in 2015. A legal agreement with the purchaser states it cannot be commercially exploited until 2103, although it can be released for free or played during listening parties. When Shkreli was arrested in 2018, the album was seized from him, and it was sold in 2021 to NFT collectors PleasrDao (video of purchase, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC-35uHaMG8).

Recorded in secret over six years, pressed in 2014 and stored in a secured vault at the Royal Mansour Hotel in Marrakech, Morocco.

According to producer Cilvaringz, the tracklist listed here is not the official one, but a series of working titles used during the development of the album. The actual album contains 31 tracks.

Annotation last modified on 2022-05-04 17:23 UTC.