
Average rating: 4.2


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To dismiss Natalie Imbruglia's new album as 'Indie-lite by numbers' seems a little unfair, especially as it boasts the winter-dispelling joy that is "Shiver". The temptation to do so is strong though, but luckily, it's weighed against the fact that this album packs at least more than one eyebrow-raiser.

Don't expect any experimental brain-busting instrument-wracking though. "Counting Down The Days" has about as much edge as Westlife in bubblewrap Tuxedo's.

What it does have is a rather nice selection of bright and breezy songs of the guitar pop persuasion. And for quick and easy access, Nat has split these into two styles; there's the ever-so-slightly-shy-of-upbeat ones like "I Won't Be Lost" and "On The Run", and then there's the one-notch-more-upbeat of well, everything else ("Shiver", "Satisfied", "Perfectly", "Come On Home"). Oh, and then, all on its own in the 'What the...' corner (think of it as a 'bonus' bonus track), there's "Honeycomb Child" - which is simply magical in a tingly, ice cream van jingle way.

And for those of you asking "Yes... and?" Well, what's important to remember here is that if you liked "Shiver" a LOT, the chances are you'll enjoy most of this almost as much. It's not all EXACTLY the same (On "Sanctuary" Nat even goes a bit ROCK!), but generally, the jangly guitar and Nat's lovelyway with a tune are very much the order of the day.

Review courtesy of Top Of The Pops