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A whole thesis could be written about the links between heavy rock and sword and sorcery-style mediaevalism; and if anyone did, they'd cap it off with Blackmore's Night. Since Rainbow's demise in 1996 Ritchie Blackmore along with partner Candice Night (see what they did there?) has been running a (ahem) cottage industry: crafting folksy new age albums and playing Europe's most crenellated spots to a loyal fanbase.

The Village Lanterne, comes resplendent with Enya-esque vocals embroidered with Ritchie's faerie finger work. Many may be surprised at the replacement of his signature Strat by an acoustic (supported by rather anachronistic electronic keyboards). Purple fans of yore may also be alarmed by the bands anthem "Child In Time" being welded to a jig, rendering it more like "Childe Roland In Thyme".

Yet the fact remains that even a toned-down Blackmore retains his skills and, while the sight of him dressed as the local minstrel may be a little ludicrous, The Village Lanterne is a palimpsest of treats for fans old(e) and new.