Weezer (Blue Album)

~ Release group by Weezer


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Weezer’s self-titled album, Weezer, often called the Blue Album, is the first album they created, and is indicative of the spirit of the band even today. Almost every song on the album is a rollicking and enjoyable rock anthem, but more than that, the Blue Album manages to capture the feelings of a generation and subset of 90s teenagers that felt dissatisfied with the way things were, as so many generations have felt before. The Blue Album does not offer societal change, though; it gives a voice to the suburban high school kid’s frustration and restlessness. Songs like “No One Else”, “Buddy Holly”, and “Only In Dreams” speak to the feelings of teenage love and loss, while “In The Garage” opens a view into the life of a kid who knows he’s safe in his own place, away from the pressures of the world. “Undone-- The Sweater Song” and “Say It Ain’t So” offer pictures into the kid who’s growing up, dealing with the issues of visiting home and coming to terms with family. Every track on the album manages to assuage the fears of the awkward teenager, the kid who feels uneasy and dissatisfied with his or her suburban life, while simultaneously rocking out with powerful bass lines and thrumming guitar solos. The Blue Album is therapy by rock and roll, and it’s amazing to listen to, every time.