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As an archive, this is absolutely fantastic. It's basically a look into an odd and mysterious world, normally hidden away from the average person.

As a listening experience, however, it does vary. I decided to listen to all five of the CDs in this thanks to it being available on Spotify. Unfortunately, I didn't get the creeps from a lot of this until after coming back, having found a release of this on the Free Music Archive. Repeated exposure really hurts the creepy, sinister feelings for me, especially when there are so many people reciting numbers on the album that it can get grating. However, I did become a bit unsettled when it came to the beeping excerpts, as well as when heavily compressed, detuned music of all sorts started being played.

It's still quite a fascinating listen, however, and I'd listen to this at least once, maybe much more sparingly. It's such a neat piece of modern history.

Also on Rate Your Music (rated 3.5): https://rateyourmusic.com/music-review/flaky_bastard/the-conet-project/recordings-of-shortwave-numbers-stations-1111-1/177673022