Album + Live

Through Boredom and PainPink Floyd2×(unknown)5 + 7
  • XW2014-11-02
PRRP (fan bootleg group)PRRPSAE 09[none]
Boston 1977 Master TapesPink Floyd2×CD5 + 7
Sigma (bootleg label focused on Pink Floyd)Sigma 177[none]
Definitive Boston 1977Pink Floyd2×CD5 + 7
Sigma (bootleg label focused on Pink Floyd)Sigma 226[none]
1977-06-27: Boston Garden, Boston, MA, USAPink FloydDAT14
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)


part of:Pink Floyd "In the Flesh" Tour Bootlegs (number: 1977-06-27) (order: 31)