June 1, 1974

~ Release group by Kevin AyersJohn CaleEnoNico

Album + Live

June 1, 1974Kevin AyersJohn CaleEnoNico12" Vinyl9
  • GB1974-06-06
Island (imprint of Island Records, a division of Universal Music Group)ILPS 9291
June 1, 1974Kevin AyersJohn CaleEnoNico12" Vinyl9
  • US1974-06-28
Island (imprint of Island Records, a division of Universal Music Group)ILPS 9291
June 1, 1974Kevin AyersJohn CaleEnoNicoCD9
  • GB1990-03-05
Island MastersIMCD 920042284255226
June 1, 1974Kevin AyersJohn CaleEnoNicoCD9
Universal Music Group (has logo with just “Universal Music Group”)885428435395502082
June 1, 1974Kevin AyersJohn CaleEnoNicoDigital Media9Island (imprint of Island Records, a division of Universal Music Group)0602567835523


Discogs:https://www.discogs.com/master/23388 [info]
Wikidata:Q687249 [info]