
Average rating: 5


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13 songs, 7 notes, 4 singers and One Direction!

Made in the A.M. is the latest album by One Direction, the first album without the breathtakingly handsome vocalist Zayn Malik, and the last album before their hiatus in 2016. This album is packed with a rainbow of emotions, ecstasy, gloom, tranquility, love, and all of them explode with each word, each beat of the drum and each string of the guitar. All that our beloved singers wanted to convey through these songs comes pouring down on us like a cloudburst. I cannot help but listen to the album while writing this review.

This album has songs that go from bang and boom in "drag me down" to the subtle strings in "if i could fly." The one thing that distinguishes Made in the A.M. from One Direction's first album, Up all night is that their angle of view has expanded. They are looking at things with a fresh sight, which can be seen in their songs. each song they write becomes more refined and has a fresh feeling to it.

Talking about the album-at-hand particularly, they have clearly worked really hard while writing these awe-inspiring songs. We as fans can only glance upon them, stupefied, at how well they write and sing these songs. Made in the A.M. has some really good songs, let us evaluate them one by one.

"Hey Angel" is a really energetic song, as are most of 1D's songs, it really unlocks one's feelings towards the one person they care about the most. This song is about caring, and all the human emotions that compel one to love another person. "Drag me down," as i said earlier, is one gem of a song. it is really one of my favorites as this song gives us the message that until you are with your one true mate, nothing and nobody can drag you down!

Moving further with the list, "Perfect" is my favorite song in this album. this song is about notoriety, fun, and most of all, an undying aura of forbidden romance. "infinity" was a really good song as it has the subtle atmosphere of the guitar and the piano, with just a hint of the guitar, coupled with the superb lyrics. "end of the day" is a song with really motivational lyrics, it fluctuates to and fro from a mediocre music to a really strong one. "if i could fly" is the sad song of the album, with a piano and a violin for the music, it really unlocks the deepest recesses of the heart.

Now that we have an insight to the album, i would say that the album is a really great one overall, and it will help us remember One Direction just the way they are while they are on hiatus.