Relationship types / Artist-Recording / Field recordist


This indicates a recording engineer that recorded field recordings for the recording.

ID: 1011
Cardinality of {entity0}: Many relationships (1)
Cardinality of {entity1}: Few relationships (0)
Orderable direction: None (0)
UUID: fc9b963a-29fa-4949-b22a-3bffd2440024

Link phrases


The following attributes can be used with this relationship type:

start date

end date


Field recordings are usually specifically credited as such, unless the release itself is fully comprised of them (such as nature sounds releases). If you're not completely certain that a recording engineer specifically worked on field recordings, just use the more generic "recording engineer" relationship.


Martin Iddon (composer) recorded field recordings for Sapindales by Heather Roche (Canadian clarinetist), Martin Iddon (composer)