Relationship types / Artist-Work / Arranger


This indicates the artist who arranged a tune into a form suitable for performance. “Arrangement” is used as a catch-all term for all processes that turn a composition into a form that can be played by a specific type of ensemble.

ID: 293
Cardinality of {entity0}: Many relationships (1)
Cardinality of {entity1}: Few relationships (0)
Orderable direction: None (0)
UUID: d3fd781c-5894-47e2-8c12-86cc0e2c8d08

Link phrases


The following attributes can be used with this relationship type:


This attribute describes if a particular role was considered normal or additional.


This typically indicates someone who is less experienced and who is working under the direction of someone who is more experienced.


Use this only for cases when someone is credited as co-[role] (co-producer, co-engineer, etc.) - which generally has a specific meaning that depends on the specific activity but is different from just "there were several people collaborating".

start date

end date


The start and end dates should be used to indicate when the arranger first started and last finished working on the arrangement.

This relationship shouldn't generally be used for popular music. Use the recording level relationship instead.


Fritz Kreisler (violinist / composer) arranged Mélodie in G-flat major, op. 16 no. 2 (for violin and piano, Kreisler)