Relationship types / Series-URL / Schedule
Indicates a page with an official schedule for an event series.
ID: 1083
Cardinality of {entity0}
: Few relationships (0)
Cardinality of {entity1}
: Few relationships (0)
Orderable direction: None (0)
UUID: ac9d08ef-c794-48b9-aadb-4d2944a0b6ed
Link phrases
- Forward link phrase: schedule
- Reverse link phrase: schedule for
- Long link phrase: has a schedule at
The following attributes can be used with this relationship type:
start date
end date
See the general guidelines for URLs.This should be used for cases where an artist or promoter's website lists all dates for a tour or other event series on their own page inside the website, but there's no separate official website for the event series.
Neo Universe 2012 Flowers has a schedule at [info]