Relationship types / Artist-Work / Premiere


Indicates the artist(s) who gave the first performance of the work; this is usually mostly relevant for classical music.

ID: 956
Cardinality of {entity0}: Many relationships (1)
Cardinality of {entity1}: Few relationships (0)
Orderable direction: None (0)
UUID: 5cc8cfb5-cca0-4395-a44b-b7d3c1777608

Link phrases


The following attributes can be used with this relationship type:

start date

end date


This relationship is mostly intended for classical music, and usually applies to the artist who gave the first live recording of the piece. In some cases, a studio recording might have been released before any live recordings happened; in that case, it is acceptable to indicate the recording artists as the ones who premiered the work. Often this data will be available from a composer's work list.

This is not intended to be used for cases such as radio DJs premiering a track by an artist. That is a completely different concept and is actually better seen as a premiere of a recording, not a work.


Kanon pokajanen was premiered by Tõnu Kaljuste (conductor) on 1998-03-17

Kanon pokajanen was premiered by Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor on 1998-03-17