Space Brothers | LVL UP | Digital Media | 13 | | | |
Space Brothers | LVL UP | (unknown) | 13 | | DDW001 | |
Extra Worlds | LVL UP | 7" Vinyl | 6 | | DDW007 | |
Spook Houses / Fat History Month | Spook Houses & Fat History Month | Digital Media | 3 | | | 887158501265 |
Get Olde | Crying | Digital Media | 7 | | | 887158561054 |
Zentropy | Frankie Cosmos | CD | 10 | | DDW-016 | |
Zentropy | Frankie Cosmos | Digital Media | 10 | | | 811774024693 |
first love / late spring | Mitski | Digital Media | 1 | | | |
The Truman Sho | Flashlight O | Digital Media | 10 | | | |
"pretty good" | free cake for every creature | Digital Media | 10 | | | |
Townie | Mitski | Digital Media | 1 | | | |
Hoodwink'd | LVL UP | Digital Media | 15 | | DDW024 | |
I Don’t Smoke | Mitski | Digital Media | 1 | | | |
Krill / LVL UP / Ovlov / Radiator Hospital | Krill / LVL UP / Ovlov / Radiator Hospital | 7" Vinyl | 5 | | DDW022 | |
I Will | Mitski | Digital Media | 1 | | | |
bury me at makeout creek | Mitski | 12" Vinyl | 10 | | DDW025 | 634457686212 |
bury me at makeout creek | Mitski | 12" Vinyl | 10 | | DDW025 | |
bury me at makeout creek | Mitski | 12" Vinyl | 10 | | DDW025 | [none] |
bury me at makeout creek | Mitski | Digital Media | 10 | | | 634457442870 |
The Offer | Yowler | Digital Media | 10 | | | 811774027014 |
O.K. | Ó | 12" Vinyl | 11 | | DDW027 | 616892278542 |
O.K. | Eskimeaux | 12" Vinyl | 11 | | DDW028 | 616892278542 |
O.K. | Gabby’s World | CD | 11 | | DDW028 | |
O.K. | Ó | Digital Media | 11 | | | |
Three Songs | LVL UP | Digital Media | 3 | | | |
It's All About Me | Sean Henry | Digital Media | 16 | | DDW032 | |
Holdly EP | Florist | Digital Media | 5 | | | |
Cende EP | Cende | Digital Media | 5 | | | 811774027182 |
The Birds Outside Sang | Florist | CD | 11 | | DDW 033 | 616892360346 |
Year of the Rabbit | Ó | Digital Media | 6 | | | |
Year of the Rabbit | Ó | CD | 6 | | | |
Going By | Told Slant | CD | 11 | | | |
Austerity Measures | Liam Betson | Digital Media | 9 | | | |
Fist & Palm | Bellows | CD | 11 | | | |
Fist & Palm | Bellows | Digital Media | 11 | | | |
Bed | Cende | Digital Media | 1 | | | |
Taster | Hovvdy | CD | 11 | | DDW041 | |
Teen Challenge | Great Grandpa | Digital Media | 1 | | | |
Fade | Great Grandpa | Digital Media | 1 | | | [none] |
Go | Yowler | (unknown) | 1 | | | |
#1 Hit Single | Cende | CD | 8 | | DDW042 | 811774027366 |
#1 Hit Single | Cende | Digital Media | 8 | | | |
Plastic Cough | Great Grandpa | CD | 10 | | DDW043 | 811774027434 |
Plastic Cough | Great Grandpa | Digital Media | 10 | | | |
Thx | Lomelda | CD | 10 | | DDW044 | 811774027946 |
Thx | Lomelda | Digital Media | 10 | | | 811774027922 |
If Blue Could Be Happiness | Florist | CD | 10 | | DDW 045 | 811774028479 |
If Blue Could Be Happiness | Florist | Digital Media | 10 | | | |
If Blue Could Be Happiness (17) | Florist | Digital Media | 10 | | | 811774028233 |
Petal | Hovvdy | Digital Media | 1 | | | |
Cranberry | Hovvdy | CD | 12 | | DDW046 | |
Cranberry | Hovvdy | Digital Media | 12 | | | 811774029360 |
Sugar & Spice | Hatchie | CD | 5 | | DDW048 | 644110404824 |
Sugar & Spice | Hatchie | Digital Media | 5 | | | |
Sugar & Spice | Hatchie | Digital Media | 5 | | | 644110404893 |
Fink | Sean Henry | Digital Media | 10 | | DDW049 | |
The Bluest Star | free cake for every creature | Digital Media | 14 | | | |
Empty Me | GABI | CD | 13 | | DDW051 | 644110405128 |
Empty Me | GABI | Digital Media | 13 | | DDW051 | |
Black Dog in My Path | Yowler | Digital Media | 12 | | | 644110405395 |
Beamer | The Glow | Digital Media | 1 | | | |
M for Empathy | Lomelda | Digital Media | 11 | | | 644110405791 |
M for Empathy | Lomelda | CD | 11 | | | |
Am I | The Glow | Digital Media | 10 | | | |
Feeling's Not a Tempo | Gemma | Digital Media | 11 | | | |
Keepsake | Hatchie | Digital Media | 10 | | | 644110406071 |
Time Is a Dark Feeling | Florist | Digital Media | 1 | | | 644110406132 |
Covers | Hovvdy / Lomelda | Digital Media | 5 | | DDW063 | 644110406392 |
Covers | Hovvdy / Lomelda | Cassette | 6 | | DDW063 | |
Covers | Hovvdy / Lomelda | Digital Media | 6 | | | |
Sweetheart | Long Beard | Digital Media | 1 | | | 644110406200 |
Emily Alone | Florist | CD | 12 | | DDW 061 | 644110406125 |
Emily Alone | Florist | Digital Media | 12 | | | 644110406194 |
Means to Me | Long Beard | Digital Media | 1 | | | 644110406231 |
Getting By | Long Beard | Digital Media | 1 | | | 644110406262 |
Mono no Aware | Great Grandpa | Digital Media | 1 | | | 644110406507 |
Digger | Great Grandpa | Digital Media | 1 | | | 644110406538 |
Means to Me | Long Beard | CD | 10 | | DDW062 | |
Means to Me | Long Beard | Digital Media | 10 | | | 644110406293 |
Mr. Lee | Hovvdy | Digital Media | 1 | | | 644110480309 |
Heavy Lifter | Hovvdy | CD | 13 | | DDW064 | |
Heavy Lifter | Hovvdy | Digital Media | 13 | | | 644110406491 |
Heavy Lifter | Hovvdy | Digital Media | 13 | | | |
Four of Arrows | Great Grandpa | CD | 11 | | DDW065 | 644110406521 |
Four of Arrows | Great Grandpa | Digital Media | 11 | | | 644110406590 |
A Jump From the High Dive | Sean Henry | Digital Media | 11 | | | 644110406699 |
Feeling's Not a Tempo | Gemma | CD | 11 | | DDW059 | |
Hit to Hit | 2nd Grade | CD | 24 | | DDW-068 | |
Hit to Hit | 2nd Grade | Digital Media | 24 | | | |
Sometimes Always | Hatchie | Digital Media | 2 | | | |
You Think It's Like This... But Really It's Like This | Mirah | Digital Media | 33 | | | 644110406996 |
Hannah | Lomelda | Digital Media | 14 | | | 644110407399 |
Beautiful Motors | The Goodbye Party | Digital Media | 11 | | | 644110407290 |
Whirlpool | Told Slant | Digital Media | 4 | | | 644110407467 |
Point the Flashlight and Walk | Told Slant | CD | 12 | | DDW074 | 644110407429 |
Point the Flashlight and Walk | Told Slant | Digital Media | 12 | | | |
Love Only / Heavy Glow | The Glow | Digital Media | 2 | | | |
Wish You Were Here Tour Revisited | 2nd Grade | Digital Media | 23 | | DDW-079 | [none] |
Great Big Wild Oak | Skirts | Digital Media | 10 | | | |
Sad 2 / Slide | Lomelda & Frankie Cosmos | Digital Media | 2 | | | 644110407801 |