
Catalog Numbers

8xxxx, 95xxx, 1xxxxx, and 7xxxx : Vinyl releases, some later ones prefixed using the VC xxxxx scheme.
CAUTION: Many of these releases were from the pre-merge Varèse International Records, and not
the post-merge Varèse Sarabande.
302 06x xxx 2                   : CD releases, introduced with the VSD-xxxx system.
302 06x xxx 4                   : cassette releases, introduced with the VSD-xxxx system.
 704.xx                         : Vinyl releases in the 1980's, replaced the VC xxxxx system and was replaced by the STV-xxxxx system.
APD-0012                        : Prefix was used only once, for a compilation released in Taiwan
BCL 600x                        : Budget releases
CTV-xxxxx                       : Used for cassette releases
CVVC-8010                       : Prefix was used only once, for a soundtrack released in Japan
MO MMYY-xxxx.2                  : Used for some revived CD Club releases instead of VCL MMYY-xxxx
SCLS-xxxx                       : Used for CDs released in Japan
SRS 20xx                        : Used only by the Varèse Masters Film Music imprint
STV-81xxx                       : Used for vinyl releases, replaced the 704.xx numbering system, replaced by the VD-xxxx system
VC xxxxx / VX xxxxx             : Used for vinyl releases in the 1970's and early 1980's, was replaced by the 704.xx numbering system.
VCD-0xxx                        : CD release, released in Taiwan
VCD-47xxx                       : CD release, issued between 1985 and 1988
VCD-704xx                       : CD release, issued between 1987 and 1988
VCL MMYY-xxxx                   : Revived CD Club releases, released beginning in 2006
VCL YYMM.xx                     : Original CD Club releases, released between 1989 and 1992
VD-xxxx                         : Used for vinyl releases, replaced the the STV-xxxxx system
VG-xxxx                         : Used for vinyl releases, replaced the the VD-xxxx system
VS-xxxx                         : Used for vinyl releases in the mid 1980's
VSC-xxxx                        : Cassette releases  (Exception: Robocop was assigned catalog number VSC-81330)
VSD-xxxx                        : CD releases, many of them reissues of older MCA vinyl releases (First release in this series was VSD-5201; 
the 4200 to 5200 range began to be used in 2009 for low quantity releases for limited release
or direct-to-DVD films.)
XCD-100x                        : Used only by the Colossal Records imprint

Note: Starlog / Varèse Saraband releases used the Starlog catalog systems. (SR-100x, SV 95xxx, ASV 95xxx)''

Note: Every release between VSD-5201 and VSD-6199 received both a 302 06x xxx 2 and a VSD-xxxx catalog number. The xxxx is the same in both catalog numbers.

Releases between VSD-6200/302 066 200 2 and VSD-6499/302 066 499 2 always received a 302 06x xxx 2 catalog number, but only some were also assigned a VSD-6xxx number.

Releases after 302 066 500 2 were only assigned a 302 06x xxx 2 catalog number. No release after 302 066 500 2 ought to have a VSD-xxxx number listed.


  • Citadel Records - was a subsidiary until some point prior to 1995.
  • Colossal Records - German imprint (1989-1992); Not to be confused with Colosseum Schallplatten
  • Fuel 2000 Records - Gospel, Jazz, Pop, Rock, etc. (302 061 xxx 2)
  • Varèse Sarabande CD Club - Limited edition releases of soundtracks without large expected demand (BCL 600x and VCL YYMM.xx and VCL MMYY-xxxx)
  • Varèse Sarabande Spotlight Series - musicals and related recordings (VSD-xxxx and 302 061 xxx 2)
  • Masters Film Music - "The finest film scores ever composed by the greatest composers of our era" (SRS 2xxx)
  • Sunswept Music (302 062 xxx 2)
  • Varèse Vintage - re-issues of oldies (VSD-xxxx and 302 066 xxx 2)
  • Volcano - Japanese rereleases of original Varèse Saraband releases
  • Water Music Records (302 060 xxx 2)
    • 10 Spot (302 060 xxx 2)
    • Water Music Dance (302 060 xxx 2)
    • Water Music Kids (302 060 xxx 2)
  • Wildcat! - rock (302 069 xxx 2)

(Re)Distribution Partners

These labels were/are distribution partners of Varèse Sarabande. They are not imprints of Varèse Sarabande.

  • Colosseum Schallplatten
  • Fynsworth Alley
  • Soundtrack Listeners Club
  • Soundtrack Listeners Communications

Canceled releases

Catalog Number     Composer              Release Title               Reason release was cancelled
302 066 817 2      Brian Reitzel         30 Days of Night            ?
302 066 126 2      Christopher Young     Wonder Boys                 ?
302 066 203 2      ?                     Legend (Deluxe Edition)     ?
302 066 320 2      ?                     Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius   ?
302 066 352 2      ?                     Dinotopia                   ?
302 066 751 2      ?                     Idlewild                    ?
302 066 822 2      Christopher Young     Lucky You                   ?
VCD70456           Jay Ferguson          Bad Dreams                  CD was cancelled
VSD-6016           Howard Shore          Analyze This                Licensing Issues
VSD-5336           Alan Silvestri        Dutch                       Licensing Issues
VSD-5342           Alex North            Four Girls in Town          ?
VSD-5387           Thomas Newman         Whispers In The Dark        Licensing Issues
?                  ?                     Alaska                      ?

5387 was reused for a Colosseum-only "Film Classics" release.
5336 was reused for a Colosseum-only "John Carpenter's Greatest Hits Volume 2" release.
5395 may have only been released by Colosseum.

Unused catalog numbers:

VSD-5358         VSD-5428         VSD-5429
VSD-5430         VSD-5431         VSD-5504
VSD-5507         VSD-5508         VSD-5509
VSD-5513         VSD-5571         VSD-5635
VSD-5654         VSD-5655         VSD-5656
VSD-5657         VSD-5681         VSD-5745
VSD-5799         VSD-5809         VSD-5814
VSD-5864         VSD-5960         VSD-5993
302 066 000 2    302 066 081 2    302 066 100 2
302 066 127 2    302 066 325 2    302 066 360 2
302 066 428 2    302 066 431 2

Varèse Sarabande releases exclusively to the United States (except for releases with catalog numbers VCD-0xxx, which are released only in Taiwan). The same is true for all Varèse Sarabande imprints, except for the Masters Film Music imprint, which releases to Canada, though it also ships directly to the US market. All European sales are handled by the separate label Colosseum Schallplatten, which releases in Germany.

Many online sources list all Varèse imprints simply as Varèse Saraband, use the following as reference between VSD-4200 and 302 067 005 2:

Along the Blues Highway (2 releases)


Spotlight (108 releases)


Varèse Vintage (379 releases)


For other catalog numbers:

0000 to 0999 is 10 Spot, Water Music Kids, Water Music Dance, or Water Music Records
1000 to 1999 is Fuel 2000 
2000 to 2999 is Fynsworth Alley
3000 to 3999 is Sunswept Music
8000 to 8999 is currently unused by Varèse Saraband; Colosseum uses this number range for their own releases
9000 to 9999 was used by Wildcat! Recording Corporation
Annotation last modified on 2012-12-15 09:52 UTC.

Previously known as: Sarabande Records, Varèse International Records


Faust et HeleneLili Boulanger; Igor Markevitch, Monte Carlo National Opera Orchestra, Monte Carlo National Opera Chorus12" Vinyl3
VC 81095[none]
Silent Running Original Soundtrack AlbumPeter Schickele12" Vinyl12
Lust for Life / Background to Violence Suite: The Killers, Brute Force, Naked CityMiklós RózsaVinyl13
Jules Verne’s Master of the WorldLes Baxter12" Vinyl12
VC 81070
Silent RunningPeter SchickeleVinyl12
VC 81072[none]
A Time to Love and a Time to DieMiklós RózsaVinyl19
Themes From Classic Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror FilmsVarious Artists12" Vinyl12
VC 81077[none]
“Emperor Concerto” Piano Concerto no. 5Beethoven; Walter Gieseking, Artur Rother, Berlin Reichsender Orchestra12" Vinyl3
VC 81080[none]
PhantasmFred Myrow and Malcolm SeagraveVinyl16
A Little RomanceGeorges Delerue12" Vinyl16
STV 81109
Meetings With Remarkable Men (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Thomas de HartmannVinyl11
STV 81129
Tourist Trap: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackPino Donaggio12" Vinyl25
VC 81102
The Dunwich HorrorLes Baxter12" Vinyl11
VC 81103
PatrickBrian May12" Vinyl18
VC 81107
George A. Romero's Martin (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Donald Rubinstein12" Vinyl22
VC 81127
Knights of the Round TableMiklós Rózsa12" Vinyl10
STV 81128
An Almost Perfect Affair (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Georges Delerue12" Vinyl16
STV 81132
1001 Arabian Nights (stereo)George Duning12" Vinyl12
STV 81138
Home MoviesPino Donaggio12" Vinyl17
STV 81139
Mad MaxBrian May12" Vinyl18
STV 81144
The IslandEnnio Morricone12" Vinyl10
STV 81147
Dressed to KillPino Donaggio12" Vinyl13
STV 81148
Dressed to Kill (original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Pino DonaggioCassette13
The Secret of NIMH (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Jerry GoldsmithDigital Media12
  • US1981-12-31
Man of a Thousand FacesFrank Skinner12" Vinyl9
STV 81121
John Carpenter’s Escape From New YorkJohn Carpenter & Alan HowarthVinyl13
STV 81134
Prince of the CityPaul Chihara12" Vinyl14
STV 81137
Maniac - Original Motion Picture SoundtrackJay Chattaway12" Vinyl15
STV 81143
The HowlingPino Donaggio12" Vinyl22
STV 81150
Halloween IIJohn Carpenter & Alan Howarth12" Vinyl12
STV 81152
The FormulaBill Conti12" Vinyl11
STV 81153[none]
Britten: Scottish Balad / Martinů: Concerto for Two Pianos and OrchestraBritten, Martinů; Joshua Pierce, Dorothy Jonas, The Luxembourg Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ettore Stratta12" Vinyl4
VCDM 1000.330[none]
Night of the Living DeadVarious Artists12" Vinyl15
STV 81151
Swamp ThingHarry Manfredini12" Vinyl13
STV 81154
Andy Warhol's DraculaClaudio Gizzi12" Vinyl12
STV 81156
Andy Warhol's Flesh For FrankensteinClaudio Gizzi12" Vinyl16
STV 81157
CreepshowJohn Harrison12" Vinyl9
STV 81160[none]
The BurningRick WakemanVinyl10
STV 81162
The Secret of NIMHJerry Goldsmith12" Vinyl12
STV 81169
The Four SeasonsVivaldi; Patrick GleesonCD10
VCD 47212[none]
The AvengersLaurie JohnsonCD24
Symphony no. 7 / Egmont OvertureBeethoven; London Symphony Orchestra, Enrique Bátiz12" Vinyl5
VCDM 1000.160[none]
The Winds of WarBob CobertCD16
  • US1983-02-06
VideodromeHoward Shore12" Vinyl7
  • US1983-06-01
STV 81173
BrainstormJames HornerCD7
  • US1983-09-30
VCD 47215030206819724
The Star Wars Trilogy: Star Wars / The Empire Strikes Back / Return of the JediJohn WilliamsVinyl14
The Twelve ChairsJohn MorrisVinyl11
STV 81159
Forbidden ZoneDanny Elfman & The Mystic Knights Of The Oingo BoingoVinyl22
STV 81170
10 to MidnightRobert O. Ragland12" Vinyl19
STV 81172
The BeastmasterLee HoldridgeVinyl12
STV 81174
HalloweenJohn Carpenter12" Vinyl11
STV 81176
The Hunger: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackMichel Rubini & Denny Jaeger12" Vinyl11
STV 81184
The Twilight Zone Volume ThreeVarious Artists12" Vinyl6
STV 811854988060170825
Hercules (original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Pino Donaggio12" Vinyl17
STV 81187
BrainstormJames Horner12" Vinyl7
STV 81197
Gorky ParkJames Horner12" Vinyl11
STV 81206
WavelengthTangerine Dream12" Vinyl16
STV 81207
Liquid SkySlava TsukermanCD18
VCD 47181030206418125
The Star Wars Trilogy: Star Wars / The Empire Strikes Back / Return of the JediJohn Williams; Utah Symphony Orchestra, Varujan KojianCD14
VCD 47201[none]
The Star Wars Trilogy: Star Wars / The Empire Strikes Back / Return of the JediJohn WilliamsCD14
VCD 47201030206742121
The Adventures of Robin HoodErich Wolfgang KorngoldCD16
VCD 47202030206720228
Symphony No. 9 in E minor, op. 95 "From the New World" / Carnival OvertureAntonín Dvořák; London Philharmonic Orchestra, Enrique BátizCD5
VCD 47216
The Thief of Bagdad / The Jungle BookMiklós RózsaCD8
VCD 47258[none]
Gorky ParkJames HornerCD11
VCD 47260[none]
Knights of the Round TableMiklós RózsaCD9
VCD 47269
Violin Concerto / Flute ConcertoJohn Williams; London Symphony Orchestra, Mark Peskanov, Peter Lloyd, Leonard SlatkinCD4
Starman: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackJack NitzscheCD14
  • US1984-10-25
VCD 47220[none]
The Republic Years From the Original SoundtrackRoy Rogers, Sons of the PioneersCD20
302 066 753 2030206675320
The Fog: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackJohn Carpenter12" Vinyl8
STV 81191
Evil Dead (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Joseph LoDucaVinyl18
STV 81199
Making the Grade: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackBasil Poledouris12" Vinyl18
OptimystiqueYanni12" Vinyl8
STV 81215
Swann in LoveHans Werner Henze12" Vinyl2
STV 81224
SupergirlJerry Goldsmith12" Vinyl14
STV 81231
StarmanJack Nitzsche12" Vinyl14
STV 81233
A Nightmare on Elm StreetCharles Bernstein12" Vinyl17
STV 81236
Music of Barber, Copland and IvesCopland, Barber; Pacific Symphony, Keith ClarkCD5
  • -1984
VCD 47211
SupergirlJerry GoldsmithCD14
VCD 47218030206821826
Supergirl: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackJerry GoldsmithCD14
VCD 47218[none]
Wavelength: Original SoundtrackTangerine DreamCD16
VCD 47223[none]
WavelengthTangerine DreamCassette16
A Group Called SmithSmithCD15
The Emerald ForestJunior Homrich with Brian GascoigneCD11
  • US1985-07-03
The Ghost and Mrs. MuirBernard HerrmannVinyl12
Silver BulletJay ChattawayCassette14
CTV 81264[none]
Rambo 2 - La VendettaJerry Goldsmith12" Vinyl15
INT 20482
The Gods Must Be Crazy (Original Soundtrack)Johnny BoshoffVinyl10
LC 06083
The Twilight Zone Volume FiveVarious Artists12" Vinyl6
STV 81205
RunawayJerry Goldsmith12" Vinyl14
Cat's EyeAlan Silvestri12" Vinyl12
STV 81241[none]
Rambo: First Blood Part IIJerry Goldsmith12" Vinyl15
STV 81246
Red SonjaEnnio MorriconeVinyl20
STV 81248
Red Sonja (Original Soundtrack)Ennio Morricone12" Vinyl2
STV 81248
Dance With a StrangerRichard Hartley12" Vinyl7
STV 81251
The Black CauldronElmer Bernstein Conducting The Utah Symphony Orchestra12" Vinyl9
STV 81253
The BrideMaurice Jarre12" Vinyl12
STV 81254
Flesh+BloodBasil Poledouris12" Vinyl11
STV 81256[none]
Agnes of GodGeorges Delerue12" Vinyl2
STV 81257
Love SongsMichel Legrand12" Vinyl8
STV 81258[none]