One Planet One People | Lookouts! | Vinyl | 22 | | LK 001 | |
Sleep, What's That? | Crimpshrine | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | LK 004 | |
Chet EP | Corrupted Morals | 7" Vinyl | 5 | | LK 002 | |
Hectic E.P. | Operation Ivy | 7" Vinyl | 6 | | 3 | |
Bedtime for Isocracy | Isocracy | 7" Vinyl | 11 | | #5 | |
Where's My Lunchpail? | Stikky | 12" Vinyl | 22 | | #6 | |
Songs About Drinking | Sewer Trout | 7" Vinyl | 7 | | #8 | [none] |
Ovary Action | Yeastie Girlz | 7" Vinyl | 10 | | Lookout 009 | |
The Thing That Ate Floyd | Various Artists | 2×12" Vinyl | 17 + 17 | | Lookout 011 | [none] |
Night Shift at the Thrill Factory | The Mr. T Experience | CD | 22 | | Lookout #144CD | 763361014429 |
Plaid Retina | Plaid Retina | 7" Vinyl | 12 | | Lookout 7 | [none] |
Energy | Operation Ivy | 12" Vinyl | 19 | | Lookout 010 | |
Spy Rock Road | The Lookouts | 12" Vinyl | 11 | | LO18 | |
1,000 Hours | Green Day | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | Lookout 017 | [none] |
Quit Talkin' Claude | Crimpshrine | (unknown) | 4 | | Lookout #15 | [none] |
Aberration | Neurosis | 7" Vinyl | 3 | | #12 | [none] |
Big Black Bugs Bleed Blue Blood | The Mr. T Experience | CD | 31 | | LK145CD | 763361014528 |
It's a Girl! | Sweet Baby | CD | 13 | | LK-157 | 763361015723 |
So Long Sucker | The Mr. T Experience | 7" Vinyl | 2 | | LK23 | [none] |
Cheese-It | Corrupted Morals | Vinyl | 15 | | Lookout 019 | [none] |
Pink Eye | Plaid Retina | Vinyl | 12 | | Lookout 020 | [none] |
Making Things With Light | The Mr. T Experience | CD | 22 | | Lookout 37CD | 763361003720 |
Fifteen | Fifteen | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | Lookout 034 | [none] |
Sawhorse | Skin Flutes | 7" Vinyl | 3 | | #29, Lookout 029 | |
Cheaper Than the Beer | Blatz | 7" Vinyl | 5 | | #31 | |
39/Smooth | Green Day | 12" Vinyl | 10 | | Lookout 022 | |
Karin | Cringer | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | Lookout 025 | |
Slappy EP | Green Day | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | Lookout 035 | |
Lumberjack Days | Brent’s T.V. | 7" Vinyl | 7 | | Lookout 036 | |
Live the Chaos | Filth | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | Lookout #30 | [none] |
The Word as Law | Neurosis | 12" Vinyl | 8 | | Lookout No. 21 | 763361902115 |
I Am | Samiam | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | | |
Structure | Monsula | 12" Vinyl | 11 | | NUMBER THIRTY-EIGHT | [none] |
Swain's First Bike Ride | Fifteen | 12" Vinyl | 10 | | Lookout 040 | |
1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours | Green Day | CD | 19 | | Lookout #22CD | 763361002228 |
Suffering and Joy | Scherzo | 12" Vinyl | 12 | | LOOKOUT #47 | [none] |
Operation Ivy | Operation Ivy | CD | 27 | | Lookout 10CD | 763361001023 |
My Brain Hurts | Screeching Weasel | CD | 14 | | # 50 | |
Kerplunk! | Green Day | 12" Vinyl | 12 | | Lookout 046 | [none] |
Boogadaboogadaboogada! | Screeching Weasel | CD | 26 | | #62 | 763361006226 |
IV | The Lookouts | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | #42 | |
Love American Style | The Mr. T Experience | 7" Vinyl | 3 | | Lookout 045 | [none] |
Operation Ivy | Operation Ivy | CD | 27 | | LOOKOUT 10CD | [none] |
The Word as Law | Neurosis | CD | 15 | | LOOKOUT 21CD | 763361002129 |
Shit Split | Blatz & Filth | 12" Vinyl | 17 | | LOOKOUT RECORDS #43, LOOKOUT WRECKS #43 | |
Energy | Operation Ivy | Cassette | 27 | | Lookout Records Number 10 Cassette | 763361001047 |
Kerplunk! | Green Day | CD | 16 | | Lookout #46CD | 763361004628 |
Rancid | Rancid | 7" Vinyl | 5 | | Lookout 059 | |
Milk Milk Lemonade | The Mr. T Experience | CD | 15 | | Lookout 49CD | 763361004925 |
Can of Pork | Various Artists | CD | 29 | | #44 | |
Fem in a Black Leather Jacket | Pansy Division | 7" Vinyl | 3 | | Lookout 069 | |
Duct Tape Soup | Crimpshrine | 12" Vinyl | 16 | | LK 57 | |
Spitboy | Spitboy | 7" Vinyl | 3 | | Lookout 051 | |
Fahizah E.P. | Pinhead Gunpowder | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | Lookout 058 | |
Disposable Dream / Flesh & Blood II | Citizen Fish | 7" Vinyl | 2 | | Lookout 060 | |
Deflowered | Pansy Division | CD | 15 | | Lookout 087CD | |
Can of Pork | Various Artists | 2×12" Vinyl | 15 + 14 | | Lookout #44 | |
Sanitized | Monsula | CD | 23 | | Lookout #55CD | [none] |
Sanitized | Monsula | 12" Vinyl | 12 | | LOOKOUT #FIFTY-FIVE | [none] |
Wiggle | Screeching Weasel | CD | 17 | | #63CD | [none] |
Sunny Side Down | Nuisance | CD | 13 | | Lookout #64Cd | |
Love Songs for the Retarded | The Queers | CD | 16 | | LK66 CD | |
Play Cell | Tilt | CD | 14 | | Lookout No. 71 | 763361007124 |
The Choice of a New Generation | Fifteen | CD | 12 | | #65CD | [none] |
Anthem for a New Tomorrow | Screeching Weasel | CD | 18 | | 76CD | |
Touch My Joe Camel | Pansy Division | 7" Vinyl | 3 | | Lookout 074 | |
Operation Ivy | Operation Ivy | Cassette | 27 | | 004 | |
...and the Women Who Love Them | The Mr. T Experience | CD | 7 | | 106CD | 763361010629 |
Undressed | Pansy Division | CD | 13 | | 70 | |
You Broke My Fucking Heart | Screeching Weasel | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | 75 | [none] |
Gift of Knowledge | The Ne’er Do Wells / Judy & the Loadies | CD | 34 | | LK78CD, LOOKOUT 78CD | 763361007827 |
Jail-Bait Core / Bazooka Smooth! | Raooul / Skinned Teen | 12" Vinyl | 19 | | LK88 | [none] |
Tommy Slich | The Frumpies | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | Lookout 091 | |
Pot Valiant | Pot Valiant | 7" Vinyl | 3 | | | |
Our Bodies Our Selves | The Mr. T Experience | CD | 16 | | Lookout 80 | 763361008022 |
Satiate | Avail | CD | 14 | | Lookout 82 | |
Nine Inch Males | Pansy Division | 7" Vinyl | 3 | | Lookout 85 | |
Grow Up | The Queers | CD | 12 | | LK-090 | 763361009029 |
Expansive Heart | Big Rig | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | Lookout Records Number 94 | |
Beat Off | The Queers | CD | 12 | | Lk 0081CD | 763361008121 |
Jump Salty | Pinhead Gunpowder | CD | 12 | | Lookout #105 | 763361910523 |
How to Make Enemies and Irritate People | Screeching Weasel | CD | 13 | | 97CD, LK97CD | 763361009722 |
Dixie | Avail | CD | 12 | | Lk103CD | 763361010322 |
Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships | Tourettes | 7" Vinyl | 7 | | 0094 | |
Punk USA: The Compilation Soundtrack to Your Breakdown | Various Artists | CD | 16 | | #77CD, 77 CD, LK 0077, Number 77CD | 763361007728 |
Fuck You, This Is Rice | Rice | CD | 17 | | LK093 CD | |
The Exciting Sounds Of Model Road Racing | The Phantom Surfers | CD | 14 | | LK183 | 763361018328 |
On the Avenue | Potatomen | CD | 4 | | LK98 | 763361009821 |
Rocks in My Head | The Vindictives | 7" Vinyl | 4 | | Lookout 089 | [none] |
I Wanna Be Billie Joe | Wat Tyler | 7" Vinyl | 5 | | LOOKOUT 84 | [none] |
Suzanne Is Getting Married / Waiting for Susie | Screeching Weasel | Vinyl | 2 | | Lookout Records 86 | |
Born in the Basement | Groovie Ghoulies | CD | 14 | | | |
Surf Goddess | The Queers | CD | 4 | | | |
Now | The Potatomen | 12" Vinyl | 12 | | LK-101 | 763361010117 |
Pile Up | Pansy Division | CD | 20 | | | |
The Many Moods of the Vindictives | The Vindictives | CD | 28 | | Lookout 116CD | |
Kill the Musicians | Screeching Weasel | CD | 31 | | LK95CD | 763361009524 |
Move Back Home | The Queers | CD | 13 | | LK114 | 763361011428 |
Riverdales | Riverdales | CD | 12 | | Lookout 120 | 763361012029 |
Dress Rehearsal | The Bomb Bassets | CD | 7 | | LK111 | 763361011121 |