wood block

~ Percussion instrument


An alias is an alternate name for an entity. They typically contain common misspellings or variations of the name and are also used to improve search results. View the alias documentation for more details.

AliasSort nameBegin dateEnd dateTypeLocale
дървени блокчетаdŭrveni blokchetaInstrument nameBulgarian (primary)
caixa xinesaInstrument nameCatalan (primary)
HolzblockInstrument nameGerman (primary)
HolzblocktrommelInstrument nameGerman
κομμάτι ξύλουkommáti xýlouInstrument nameGreek
woodblockInstrument nameEnglish (primary)
wood blockInstrument nameEnglish
lignoblokoInstrument nameEsperanto (primary)
caja chinaInstrument nameSpanish (primary)
bloque de maderaInstrument nameSpanish
puuplokkInstrument nameEstonian (primary)
بلوک چوبیblvk cvbyInstrument namePersian (primary)
bloc de boisInstrument nameFrench (primary)
tambour de boisInstrument nameFrench
wood-blockInstrument nameFrench
caixa chinesaInstrument nameGalician (primary)
cassa di legnoInstrument nameItalian (primary)
woodblockInstrument nameItalian
ウッドブロックuddoburokkuInstrument nameJapanese (primary)
우드블록udeubeullogInstrument nameKorean (primary)
houtblokInstrument nameDutch (primary)
woodblockInstrument nameDutch
bloco sonoroInstrument namePortuguese (primary)
lemnInstrument nameRomanian (primary)
коробочкаkorobochkaInstrument nameRussian (primary)
дерев'яна коробочкаderev'yana korobochkaInstrument nameUkrainian (primary)
梆子bāngziInstrument nameChinese (primary)
chinese blockInstrument name
clog boxInstrument name
tap boxInstrument name