post horn (Post-signalling valveless coiled brass)

~ Wind instrument


An alias is an alternate name for an entity. They typically contain common misspellings or variations of the name and are also used to improve search results. View the alias documentation for more details.

AliasSort nameBegin dateEnd dateTypeLocale
corn de postaInstrument nameCatalan (primary)
corn de postillóInstrument nameCatalan
corneta de postillóInstrument nameCatalan
posthornInstrument nameDanish (primary)
PosthornInstrument nameGerman (primary)
post hornInstrument nameEnglish (primary)
post-hornInstrument nameEnglish
postal hornInstrument nameEnglish
corneta de postaInstrument nameSpanish (primary)
corneta de postillónInstrument nameSpanish
trompa de postaInstrument nameSpanish
trompa de postillónInstrument nameSpanish
شیپور پستs'ypvr pstInstrument namePersian (primary)
postitorviInstrument nameFinnish (primary)
cor postalInstrument nameFrench (primary)
cor de postillonInstrument nameFrench
cornet de posteInstrument nameFrench
cornet postalInstrument nameFrench
קרן דוארqrn dvarInstrument nameHebrew (primary)
corno postaleInstrument nameItalian (primary)
cornetta da postiglioneInstrument nameItalian
郵便ラッパyūbin rappaInstrument nameJapanese (primary)
ポスト ホルンposuto horunInstrument nameJapanese
pašto ragasInstrument nameLithuanian (primary)
pašto ragelisInstrument nameLithuanian
pašto trimitasInstrument nameLithuanian
posthornInstrument nameNorwegian Bokmål (primary)
posthoornInstrument nameDutch (primary)
posthornInstrument nameNorwegian Nynorsk (primary)
trąbka pocztowaInstrument namePolish (primary)
trompa de postilhãoInstrument namePortuguese (primary)
corn poștalInstrument nameRomanian (primary)
почтовый рожокpochtovyy rozhokInstrument nameRussian (primary)
posthornInstrument nameSwedish (primary)
pochta surnayiInstrument nameUzbek (primary)
邮号yóu hàoInstrument nameChinese (primary)
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tonga hornSearch hint