sopranino saxophone

~ Wind instrument


ReleaseArtistFormatTracksCountry/DateLabelCatalog#BarcodeRelationship types
A Lucky Songbook in EuropeLucky Thompson12" Vinyl7
MPS (German jazz label)MPS 15 231 STinstrument
Relaxing TimeOrchester Harald Banter12" Vinyl12
BASF, Cornet20 21768-2instrument
Four Compositions (1973)Anthony Braxton12" Vinyl4
Columbia (Japanese “magic notes” imprint operated by Nippon Columbia; active 1931–2002 and 2010–present)NCP-8504-N[none]instrument
Nan MadolEdward Vesala12" Vinyl6
Japo RecordsJAPO 60007instrument
Io che non sono l'imperatoreEdoardo Bennato12" Vinyl9
Ricordi (Italian imprint launched by Dischi Ricordi S.p.A. in 1958)ORL 8256[none]instrument (as “contralto sax”)
Duets 1976Anthony Braxton with Muhal Richard Abrams12" Vinyl6
AristaAL 4101[none]instrument
Slow Traffic to the RightBennie Maupin12" Vinyl6
Mercury Records (or just “Mercury.” A UMG imprint, do not use it for ©/℗ credits)SRM-1-1148instrument
Upon ReflectionJohn Surman12" Vinyl8
ECM Records (Edition of Contemporary Music)ECM 1148instrument
Bitter Funeral BeerBengt Berger12" Vinyl5
ECM Records (Edition of Contemporary Music)ECM 1179instrument
Metalanguage Festival of Improvised Music 1980, Volume 1: The Social SetGreg Goodman, Henry Kaiser, Toshinori Kondo, Evan Parker, Rova Saxophone Quartet12" Vinyl2
The Beak Doctor, MetalanguageBeak Doctor 5, ML 116instrument
Metalanguage Festival of Improvised Music 1980, Volume 2: The Science SetDerek Bailey, Evan Parker, Henry Kaiser, Larry Ochs, Jon Raskin, Greg Goodman, Toshinori Kondo, Andrew Voigt12" Vinyl8
The Beak Doctor, MetalanguageBeak Doctor 6, ML 117instrument
Berliner BegegnungFuchs, Van Hove, Hollinger12" Vinyl4
  • DE1983-10-25
FMP (jazz)SAJ-47instrument
Live in HungaryThe Siger Band12" Vinyl4
Spotlite Records (UK-based jazz label, parent of Spotlite Jazz)SPJ526[none]instrument
High VisibilityVictor Feldman's Generation BandVinyl8
TBA Records (US record label)TB 208081971020815instrument
QuasarThe Jimmy Giuffre 4CD8
Soul Note (Italian jazz)SN 1108 CD[none]instrument
The Third DecadeArt Ensemble of Chicago12" Vinyl6
ECM Records (Edition of Contemporary Music)ECM 1273instrument
The HealingThe Siger Band12" Vinyl5
Spotlite Records (UK-based jazz label, parent of Spotlite Jazz)SPJ533[none]instrument
The Pied PiperChico Freeman12" Vinyl6
Blackhawk RecordsBKH 50801instrument
To Hear the World in a Grain of Sand - World Music: Live at the Donaueschingen FestivalAndrew Cyrille - Dom Um Romao - Pandit Prakash Maharaj - Connie Bauer - Lennart Åberg - Bernd Konrad - Luis Di Matteo - Vikash Maharaj - Tom van der Geld - Rudy Smith - David Friesen12" Vinyl4
Soul Note (Italian jazz)SN 1128instrument
Urban BushmenThe Art Ensemble of Chicago2×CD4 + 6
  • DE1987-03-17
ECM Records (Edition of Contemporary Music)829 394-2, ECM 1211, ECM 1212042282939425instrument
Sax as Sax CanKlaus Kreuzeder & Willi Herzinger12" Vinyl12
Trick Music Records (Label of Steve Leistner)TM 8711instrument
Live at Montmartre, CopenhagenThad Jones And The Danish Radio Big BandCD10
Storyville Records (Danish jazz and blues label)STCD 4172instrument
Eight (+3) Tristano Compositions 1989Anthony BraxtonCD12
HatHut RecordsART CD 6052instrument
Dortmund (Quartet) 1976Anthony BraxtonCD4
HatHut RecordsART CD 6075instrument
Signs of LifePeter Apfelbaum and the Hieroglyphics EnsembleCD10
Antilles422-848 634-2042284863421instrument
8 Duets (Hamburg 1991)Anthony Braxton / Peter Niklas WilsonCD8
Music & Arts (Berkeley, California label)CD-710017685071027instrument
A Notion in Perpetual MotionVienna Art OrchestraCD10
hat ARThat ART CD 60967619925609620instrument
Gone FissionNuclear Whales Saxophone OrchestraCD14
WhaleCo MusicWM-103-CD732579010325instrument
Willisau (Quartet) 1991 - Studio/LiveAnthony Braxton4×CD5 + 5 + 5 + 4
HatHut Records, hat ARTART CD 4-61001/2/3/4, CD 4-61001/2/3/4instrument
FeverRonnie LawsCD9
  • US1993-07-17
Blue Note89541077778954125instrument
Duo (London) 1993Anthony Braxton, Evan ParkerCD5
Leo Records (British label, Russian jazz etc)CD LR 1935024792019328instrument
JoyBob Degen, Hartmut Kracht, Peter Weiss feat. Zbigniew NamysłowskiCD8
Dr. Jazz RecordsDJ 8611-24002587861124instrument
State of VolgogradTrio Trabant A RomaCD5
  • DE1994-01-12
FMP (jazz)FMP CD 574014704000576instrument
Spyro GyraSpyro GyraCD9
  • US1994-05-23
Amherst RecordsAMH 8002-2051617800224instrument
Bitter Funeral BeerBengt BergerCD5
ECM Records (Edition of Contemporary Music)ECM 1179042283930827instrument
TicībaJānis LoginsCD2
Plate Records (Group Akacis own record label)E0003-94[none]instrument
Zürich Live 1986Westbrook‐RossiniCD12
hat ARThat ART CD 2-61527619925615225instrument
New Orleans CollectiveNew Orleans CollectiveCD8
Evidence (US jazz / blues label, cat# with "ECD")ECD 22105-2730182210521instrument
Ride Into the BlueBerg Borg Brötz man/nCD6
KONNEX Records (German label)KCD 50690718750847324instrument
Burattino senza filiEdoardo BennatoCD9
  • IT1996-12-23
Ricordi (Italian imprint launched by Dischi Ricordi S.p.A. in 1958)743214506520743214506523instrument (as “contralto sax”)
Blue ZooBerg Borg Brötz man/nCD8
KONNEX Records (German label)KCD 5074718751294523instrument (as “sopranino sax”)
Eight by ThreeBorah Bergman | Anthony Braxton | Peter BrötzmannCD8
Mixtery (released an album by Peter Brötzmann, Borah Bergman & Anthony Braxton in 1997)M00001632104000121instrument (as “sopranino sax”)
Pièces et accesoiresL'Effet VapeurCD11
ARFI (Association à la Recherche d'un Folklore Imaginaire)AM0163325480683886instrument
News From the 70sAnthony BraxtonCD6
Musica JazzFY 7005instrument
Stalker SongsThomas Borgmann Trio & Peter BrötzmannCD2
CIMP (Creative Improvised Music Projects)CIMP 160786497330324instrument
MelancholyCecil Taylor Workshop EnsembleCD3
FMP (jazz)FMP CD 1044014704001047instrument
Je pense queL'Effet VapeurCD9
ARFI (Association à la Recherche d'un Folklore Imaginaire), Culture PressAM 029, CP0313355350000291instrument
September WindsSeptember Winds2×CD12 + 1
Creative Works (Switzerland)CW 1038/39instrument
The Front Is BreakingEero KoivistoinenCD7
Love Records (Finnish label)LRCD 188instrument
The WillowFrank Kimbrough & Joe LockeCD10
The MeetingArt Ensemble of ChicagoCD7
Pi Recordings (Jazz record label founded by Seth Rosner in 2001, based in Brooklyn, NY)PI07808713000726instrument
Baby BoomDaniel HumairCD9
Sketch (French jazz label)[none]instrument
The Owner of the River BankCecil Taylor & Italian Instabile OrchestraEnhanced CD7
enja (German jazz label)DEA 590306500, ENJ-9465 20063757946526instrument
SignsPeter Brötzmann Chicago TentetCD3
Okka DiskOD12048instrument
Sirius CallingArt Ensemble of ChicagoCD14
Pi Recordings (Jazz record label founded by Seth Rosner in 2001, based in Brooklyn, NY)PI11808713001129instrument
  • FI2005-04-13
Mercury Records (or just “Mercury.” A UMG imprint, do not use it for ©/℗ credits)987 104-00602498710401instrument
Non-Cognitive Aspects of the City: Live at IridiumArt Ensemble of Chicago2×CD6 + 6
  • US2006-07-25
Pi Recordings (Jazz record label founded by Seth Rosner in 2001, based in Brooklyn, NY)PI20808713002027instrument
ABCDAnthony Braxton & Chris DahlgrenCD8
Not Two RecordsMW 768-25907589871685instrument
MonogramDáša LibiakováCD9
Pro JazzLV 0002-2-331instrument
Time BeingTrio 3CD10
Intakt Records (Swiss jazz / improv)Intakt CD 106, Intakt CD 106 / 20067640120191061instrument
Reasons for MovingDarren Johnston, Fred Frith, Devin Hoff, Larry Ochs, Ches SmithCD9
Not Two RecordsMW 779-25907589871791instrument
Ninetet (Yoshi's) 1997, Vol. 4Anthony Braxton2×CD1 + 1
Leo Records (British label, Russian jazz etc)CD LR 500, CD LR 5015024792500246instrument (as “sopranino sax”)
KronomakiaEnsemble Micrologus & Daniele Sepe und Rote Jazz FraktionCD13
  • IT2008-01-15
Il Manifesto CD1848028778891844instrument
HeritageEddie HendersonCD7
  • US2008-09-02
Blue Note50999 5 22380 2 45099952238024instrument
Windprints: L'Empreinte du VentDidier MalherbeDigital Media28
  • FR2009-03-19
Cézame (production music, cat # prefix: CEZ)CEZ 4031[none]instrument
IkarosThe Stockholm Jazz OrchestraCD10
  • SE2009-11-16
Sittel RecordsSITCD 93197330658000859instrument
Porgy & BessTony Lakatos, Frankfurt Radio Bigband2×CD9 + 10
Skip Records (Germany)SKP 9085-24037688908522instrument
Gesualdo | VariationsDavid ChevallierCD6
Zig-Zag TerritoiresZZT1002023760009292192instrument
Vol. 1Team HegdalCD10
Øra fonogramOF0117090015630111instrument
Vol. 2Team HegdalCD9
  • NO2011-05-06
Øra fonogramOF0177090015630173instrument
LiarbirdOla KvernbergCD8
  • NO2011-09-16
Jazzland Recordings (Norwegian label), Sony DADC (company; use on releases if exact pressing location is not known)2783426, A0101836188-0101602527834269instrument
California Shower渡辺貞夫Digital Media7
  • JP2012-09-15
VICTOR STUDIO HD‐Sound.[none]instrument
The Reason Why Vol. 1Goran Kajfeš Subtropic ArkestraCD8
  • XE2013-02-09
Headspin RecordingsHead 0157320470170359instrument
Refraction - Breakin’ GlassTrio 3 + Jason MoranCD10
Intakt Records (Swiss jazz / improv)Intakt CD 2177640120192174instrument
OlurombiAiyekooto & Afrobeat InternationalCD7
Suomen MusiikkiKHYCD0585053105796427instrument
The PartyOrchestre National de JazzCD15
Jazz Village (jazz label of Harmonia Mundi, now part of [PIAS])JV 5700363149027002721instrument
The Reason Why Vol. 1Goran Kajfeš Subtropic ArkestraCD8
Headspin RecordingsHEAD 0157320470170359instrument
SpectralDave Rempis - Darren Johnston - Larry OchsCD7
  • US2014-05-06
Aerophonic Records006700261398785instrument
HannoverMostly Other People Do the KillingCD4
  • DE2014-10-27
The Reason Why Vol. 2Goran Kajfeš Subtropic ArkestraCD6
Headspin RecordingsHead 0217320470197783instrument
The Reason Why Vol. 2Goran Kajfeš Subtropic ArkestraCD6
Headspin RecordingsHEAD 0217320470197783instrument
¡ Oh Yeah Ho !PapanoshCD7
  • DE2015-05-01
Yellowbird (German jazz label)YEB-7753767522775327instrument
Celebrating Fred AndersonRoscoe Mitchell QuartetCD6
  • US2015-08-21
Nessa Recordsncd-37827020003725instrument
  • SE2015-10-30
Caprice Records (Swedish label for niche music)CAP 218807391782218800instrument
Western AutomaticChicago Reed QuartetCD8
Aerophonic Records009instrument
Wild Wild EastDubioza kolektivDigital Media11
  • DE2016-08-15
Koolarrow Recordsinstrument
Bacon Fat Live at the Rockpile ’69 (remastered)Frank Zappa & The Mothers of InventionCD11
  • XE2017-10-27
Keyhole (Greek live bootlegs)KHCD90855291012908520instrument
Gianni Gebbia + Evan Parker DuosGianni Gebbia + Evan ParkerDigital Media4
  • XW2017-12-05
objet-a (experimental,jazz and improvised music label)[none]instrument
The Reason Why Vol. 3Goran Kajfeš Subtropic ArkestraCD7
Headspin RecordingsHEAD 0247320470222935instrument
FinallyNellrockjazz feat. Darnell RobinsonCD12
  • US2018-04-26
Nellrock RecordsNR001instrument
Empty CastlesSpectralCD9
  • US2018-05-01
Aerophonic RecordsAR016instrument
Songs of the Wild CaveLarry Ochs & Gerald CleaverCD7
Anything is PossibleThe Fictive FiveDigital Media5
  • XW2019-03-22
Clean Feedinstrument
Hotel Last ResortViolent FemmesCD13
  • US2019-07-26
Add It Up ProductionsPIASR1100CD5400863011864instrument
The Balderin Sali VariationsEvan Parker, Philipp Wachsmann, Paul Lovens, Teppo Hauta-aho, Sebi Tramontana, Matthias Bauer, Harri Sjöström, Veli Kujala, Libero Mureddu, Dag Magnus Narvesen, Emilio Gordoa2×CD7 + 6
Leo Records (British label, Russian jazz etc)CD LR 870/8715024792087020instrument (as “sopranino sax”)
Pori / MalmiMikko Innanen 10+CD6
  • FI2019-11-04
Fiasko RecordsFRCD-896430017002348instrument
CascadeIN Trio, Harvie S, Tim Armacost, Christian FingerCD11
Centaur RecordsCRC 3718044747371825instrument
Сделано в СССР (limited edition)Алексей Козлов и Ансамбль АрсеналCD11
ArtBeat MusicAB-CD-07-2019-149instrument
Prévert ParadeAndré Minvielle & PapanoshCD13
La Complexe Articole de Déterritorialisation57 19 12293521383457221instrument
Quintet EastAntti LötjönenCD9
  • FI2020-04-17
We JazzWJCD226417138668998instrument