musical bow

~ String instrument


ReleaseArtistFormatTracksCountry/DateLabelCatalog#BarcodeRelationship types
Bein' FreeJerry Jeff Walker12" Vinyl11
ATCO RecordsSD 33-336[none]instrument (as “mouth bow”)
Third World ChildJohnny Clegg and SavukaCD10
Capitol Records (imprint of Capitol Records, Inc.)CDP 7 46778 2762185147429instrument (as “umhuphe mouth bow”)
Shadow ManJohnny Clegg and SavukaCD10
EMI (EMI Records, since 1972)CDP 7 90411 2077779041121instrument
Shadow ManJohnny Clegg and SavukaCD10
EMI (EMI Records, since 1972)CDEMC 3547077779041121instrument
Shadow ManJohnny Clegg and Savuka12" Vinyl10
EMI (EMI Records, since 1972)EMC 3547instrument
Shadow ManJohnny Clegg and SavukaCD10
Capitol Records (imprint of Capitol Records, Inc.)CDP 7 90411 2077779041121instrument (as “mouth bow”)
Cruel, Crazy, Beautiful WorldJohnny Clegg and SavukaCD11
Capitol Records (imprint of Capitol Records, Inc.), BMG Direct Marketing, Inc. (BMG company that owned their direct marketing company/club editions), EMI (EMI Records, since 1972)CDP 7 93446 2, D 144564[none]instrument (as “umhuphe mouth bow”)
Heat, Dust & DreamsJohnny Clegg and SavukaCD11
Capitol Records (imprint of Capitol Records, Inc.)CDP 0777 7 98795 2 6077779879526instrument (as “mouth bow”)
All Day Every DayThe Bill Hilly BandCD14
Borealis RecordsBCD145instrument (as “bow”)
Wayward the FourthThe One Ensemble of Daniel PaddenCD11
Secret Eye[AB-OC-32]0778632900059instrument
DirtwireDirtwireDigital Media10
  • US2012-05-20
instrument (as “mouthbow”)
ORGANICAEvan FraserDigital Media16
  • XW2012-07-09
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]instrument (as “mouth bow”)
Ann O'aroAnn O'aroCD12
  • FR2018-09-14
Buda Musique, Cobalt (Label of "Africolor" French festival)8603363341348603360instrument (as “bob”)