All the Fun of the Fayre | Blackmore’s Night | | 4.5 | 3:55 | instrument |
Barbara Allen | Blackmore’s Night | | 3 | 3:40 | instrument |
Believe in Me | Blackmore’s Night | | 4 | 4:26 | instrument |
Celluloid Heroes | Blackmore’s Night | | 4 | 5:28 | instrument |
Como poden per sas culpas (C. 166) | The Renaissance Players | | | 8:16 | instrument |
Da que Deus mamou (C. 77) | The Renaissance Players | | | 4:21 | instrument |
Dance of the Darkness | Blackmore’s Night | | 4.5 | 3:35 | instrument |
Darkness | Blackmore’s Night | | 3.5 | 3:21 | instrument |
Health to the Company | Blackmore’s Night | | 4 | 4:19 | instrument |
Highland | Blackmore’s Night | | 4 | 5:50 | instrument |
Journeyman (Vandraren) | Blackmore’s Night | | 4.5 | 5:41 | instrument |
Keeper of the Flame | Blackmore’s Night | | 4 | 4:42 | instrument |
Maguelan | Aman | | | 3:15 | instrument |
Maldito seja quen non loara (C. 290) | The Renaissance Players | | | 8:23 | instrument |
Night at Eggersberg | Blackmore’s Night | | 4 | 2:15 | instrument |
Sake of the Song | Blackmore’s Night | | 3.5 | 2:47 | instrument |
Santa Maria amar (C. 7) | The Renaissance Players | | | 7:33 | instrument |
Song and Dance, Part II | Blackmore’s Night | | 4 | 2:03 | instrument |
Strawberry Girl | Blackmore’s Night | | 3.5 | 4:06 | instrument |
The Sunlight and the Morning Dew | 街角麻婆豆 & Aleile | | | 4:52 | instrument |
The Sunlight and the Morning Dew - カラオケ | 街角麻婆豆 & Aleile | | | 4:52 | instrument |
Trotto | František Pok, Zeger Vandersteene | | | 1:09 | instrument |
Uisk flo aftar themo uuatare | Ougenweide | | | 5:07 | instrument |
Untitled | Roger Turner & 一噌幸弘 | | | 15:16 | instrument |
Untitled | Roger Turner & 一噌幸弘 | | | 23:29 | instrument |
Vagabond (Make a Princess of Me) | Blackmore’s Night | | 4 | 5:23 | instrument |