xeremies (Mallorcan bagpipe)

~ Wind instrument


For the two tube bagless used on Ibiza, see reclam de xeremies.
For the Latin American oboe, see chirimía.
For the mediaeval woodwind, see shawm.
For the Catalan shawm also called xaramita or xirimita, see gralla.

Used historically since the middle ages on the Iberian islands, its bag is made of skin and it has one chanter with usually 3 drones, but of these usually one is real and the others are only decorative.


from:Mallorca, Illes Balears (Balearic Islands), Spain
type of:bagpipe
derivations:sac de gemecs (Catalonian bagpipe)
picture:https://static.metabrainz.org/irombook/xeremies/xeremies.png [info]
Wikidata:Q2598011 [info]
other databases:https://saisaibatake.ame-zaiku.com/musical_instrument/gakki_jiten_xeremia.html [info]