Style / Specific types of releases / Live bootlegs
Status: This is an official style guideline. |
Note: This guideline applies to bootleg releases and release groups. For titling of live recordings, see live recording style.
For bootlegs with actual titles, just follow the standard titles guideline.
For untitled bootlegs, use its date and location information, in the form "YYYY-MM-DD: Venue, City, State/Province, Country".
Country names should match their names in the database, except for UK and USA, which should be abbreviated.
States in the USA and Canada should always be listed (in their abbreviated form), as should countries inside the UK (non-abbreviated). States and provinces elsewhere are optional, and should only be added when they're necessary to further distinguish cities with identical names.
Additional date information can be added before the colon, in the form: “YYYY-MM-DD, additional information: Venue, City, State/Province, Country”. This should only be used to distinguish events that took place the same day or if the event is advertised as such. Typical examples includes early/late show, dinner, matinée.
Release groups which feature a complete live session and additional bonus tracks should still follow this guideline. It doesn't matter whether the bonus tracks are live tracks from other concerts or studio recordings.
- 2008-12-07: Rose Garden, Portland, OR, USA
- A standard live bootleg (in the US).
- 1994-05-21: Barrowland, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
- A standard live bootleg (in the UK).
- 2002-05-02: Ahoy, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- A live bootleg with bonus tracks.
- 2008-12-17, early show: Mellon Arena, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- A live bootleg with additional date information.