Picard Resources

This page has not been reviewed by our documentation team (more info).

Tools, scripts and links related to MusicBrainz Picard that are not appropriate, usually because of their informal nature, for the official Picard resources.

For official guides, help, plugins, etc, please visit the official Picard website or the official Picard documentation.

Other resources


Informal/niche Picard plugins that are not in the official plugin list.

Plugin Info Author Link/s
Ami (Barcode) Use [none] for releases explicitly marked as not having a barcode. SuperSaltyGamer Gitlab
Ami (Columns) Custom computed columns in cluster and album panes. SuperSaltyGamer Gitlab
Ami (COV) Search covers from MH Covers by files or albums. SuperSaltyGamer Gitlab
Ami (Metadata) Force top tags starting with "!" to always show up in the metadata pane and add display names for more tags. SuperSaltyGamer Gitlab
Combine Performer Tags Creates a multi-value variable %_performers% from the relationship data downloaded by Picard when “Use track relationships” is enabled in the Option settings. rdswift Forums/Github
Chinese script conversion Convert track listings between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese script (Linux only, requires OpenCC to be installed separately). Philipp Wolfer Forums/Github
Data Dumper Saves the output for the track and release metadata to a text file. Can help develop plugins by providing a log of information passed to the plugin. rdswift Github
Enhanced Title Case One of many Title Case tools: Adds a new scripting command, $titlecase, All Words Not in the List of Exceptions Are Capitalized. Existing CaPiTaLs are retained. Anthony Mario Diaz Forums/Github
Feat. Artists & More in Titles Modifies the existing Feat. Artists in Titles plugin, allowing specifying a list of words to split (like "&" or "with") and only if there is more than one artist MBID. Gitrian Forums
File Writer Adds scripting functions to allow writing text to an output file. rdwift Forums/Github
Generate Cuesheet per Medium Modifies the existing Generate Cuesheet plugin to create multiple cuesheets, one per disc/medium. mattgoldspink Forums/Github
Get Eval Function Provides scripting function $get_eval(), allowing the user to evaluate specified python code within Picard and return the results as a string for use within scripts. rdwift Forums/Github
Get Multi-value Subset Returns a subset of values from a multi-value tag (for instance, only use the first catalogue number if there are multiple). Joel Lintunen Forums
Keep Only Tags Allows the user to determine which tags are written to the output files by Picard. rdswift Github
Label Variables Provides variables containing label information for a release for use in user or file naming scripts. rdswift Forums/Github
Language Name Provides a new scripting function $language_name() that retrieves the full name for a three-character language code for use within scripts. rdswift Forums/Github
Performer Tag Replace Provides the ability to replace text in performer tags. rdswift Forums/Github
Picard Sözler Fetches lyrics from the lrclib project. Synced lyrics are prioritized over the unsynced ones. Requires no configuration or API keys. denizenging Github
ReplayGain with r128gain Add ReplayGain tags on file saving with the r128gain tool. *** Forums
Show Only Selected Albums Allows you to remove albums of a certain status (e.g. "gold"/"complete" albums) after making a selection and then loading the plugin via right-click. Peter69 Forums
Submit to ListenBrainz Allows manually importing listens to ListenBrainz (when listening to physical media or on an unsupported player or stream). Flaky Forums/Gitlab
Text Compare Functions Provides text-based comparison scripting functions similar to the integer-based comparison functions $lt(), $lte(), $gt() and $gte(), and finding mini and max values. rdswift Forums/Github

Tagger scripts

For help understanding and modifying scripts, see the official scripting documentation.

Are you looking for a script that is not on this list? Make sure to search the Repository for neat file name string patterns and tagger script snippets forum thread. The Picard documentation also has many common examples (these are also linked below).

Script Info Author Link/s
Compatible MP3 tags Tags with better compatibility with mixed format libraries (e.g. a mix of MP3 files and FLAC files). Moves Picard fields so they look the same as FLAC files in foobar2000. yindesu Forums
foobar2000-compatible Vorbis Comment sort tags (for FLAC/OGG/OPUS) Moves the Picard-default Vorbis Comment fields for better compatible with a mixed-format library in foobar2000. yindesu Forums
Move disambiguation to album title Append the disambiguation comment of a release to the album title. Picard Docs
Move featuring from artist to title Move featured track artists to the track title. Picard Docs
MusicBee taggerscript for standardizing artists and setting display artist Sets MusicBee-specific tags for display artist and guest artist based on feat. and other similar join phrases. UltimateRiff Forum Thread/version 2
Only set a single tag (complete $unset tag list) Will stop any standard MusicBrainz/Picard tag from being overwritten, except the ones you manually remove. aerozol Forums
Preserve original filename Creates and fills a originalfilename tag, which holds the filename the file originally had. Picard Docs
Reformat catalog numbers as a range Reformat multiple release labels/catalog numbers into a simple string of text that is a range. e.g. (KDSD-10012, KDSD-10013) becomes (KDSD-10012~3). yindesu Forums
Release language as language Use %_releaselanguage% if %language% is empty. Picard Docs
Remove featuring from album artist Removes featuring artists from the album artist. Picard Docs
Separate script for Various Artists/VA Separates out two different scripts, one for Various Artists/VA album artists and one for everything else. Forums
Set album sort name Creates and fills an albumsort tag. This tag fills a release like “The Best of Muddy Waters” to “Best of Muddy Waters, The”. Picard Docs
Set compilation for multi artist releases By default the compilation tag is set to 1 only for Various Artists releases. This script sets it for all releases with more than one artist. Picard Docs
Single value COMPOSER field If there is more than one composer, this tagger script moves %composer% and %composersort% to %composers% and %composers_sort%, respectively. yindesu Forums
Standardize Japanese CV artist credit whitespace and punctuation Japanese websites tend to present elements of CV artist credits without whitespace. Includes 2 tagger scripts (“A” and “B”) to standardize your personal library (remove whitespace or add whitespace). yindesu Forums
Tag artist area/country of origin Set a %country% or %artist country% tag to the country code of the (primary) album artist. Requires the "Additional Artists Details" plugin. rdswift Forums
Use original release date Always use the original release date as the primary date (a later reissue will use the release date of the first release in the release group). Picard Docs

File naming scripts

For more information on how to write a file naming script, see the official documentation.

Script Info Author Link/s
Mark release as complete or incomplete Adds [C] to the folder name for 'complete' albums, and [P] for 'partial' albums. rdswift Forums
UltimateRiff’s Super-Special-Awesome Filenaming Script (name pending) File naming script to sort into alphabetical folders (A, B, C, etc.) and then into individual artists. UltimateRiff Forums