Other Databases Relationship Type / Whitelist
This is the official list of databases allowed for the Other Databases relationship type. For adding new databases to the list, please follow the standard proposal procedure.
General pages
45cat (http://www.45cat.com/)
- Global database for 7″ vinyl
45worlds (http://www.45worlds.com/)
- Databases for concerts, vinyl albums, 78 rpm records, CD albums, CD singles, 12″ singles, 7″ singles, and tapes
ccMixter (http://ccmixter.org/)
- Database for Creative Commons licensed remixes and samples
Dynamic Range Database (http://dr.loudness-war.info/)
- Database for dynamic range info for CDs
IMVDb (http://imvdb.com/)
- Database about music videos
Jaxsta (https://jaxsta.com)
- A database for "official music credits" containing a lot of data about, at least, popular Western music.
- Artists can be linked to profile pages (/profile).
- Labels can be linked to profile pages (/profile).
- Recordings can be linked to recording pages (/recording).
- Releases can be linked to release pages (/release).
- Works can be linked to work pages (/work). These also can include licensed lyrics, so "lyrics" is also allowed for selection.
MusicMoz (http://musicmoz.org/)
mvdbase.com (http://mvdbase.com/)
- Database about music videos (last updated: June 5, 2015)
Open Library (http://openlibrary.org/)
- Internet Archive's project for books (including audiobooks)
Rate Your Music (http://rateyourmusic.com/)
SNAC (http://snaccooperative.org/)
- Biographical and historical resources
TMDB (https://www.themoviedb.org/)
- Biographical and historical resources for artists also involved in film
WhoSampled (http://www.whosampled.com)
- Details of samples, covers and interpolations
WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/)
- International network of library holdings
Regional pages
Discography of American Historical Recordings (https://adp.library.ucsb.edu/)
- Database of master recordings made by American record companies during the 78rpm era
Library of Congress (http://id.loc.gov/)
- Authority file of the (effectively) National Library of the United States.
Rock.com.ar (http://www.rock.com.ar/)
- Independent website about Argentinian (and some Uruguayan) rock music.
Generasia (http://www.generasia.com/wiki/) (formerly known as J-Pop Stop)
- A wiki containing information about the music scene in Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan.
triple j Unearthed (https://www.triplejunearthed.com/)
- Discovery of new Australian music
Trove (http://trove.nla.gov.au/)
- Australian library/historical resource database maintained by the National Library of Australia.
The Royal Library of Belgium or KBR (https://www.kbr.be/)
- Belgian national scientific library.
Discos do Brasil (http://www.discosdobrasil.com.br/)
- Brazilian music database, based on the creator's private collection but with fairly complete info for it.
Québec Info Musique (http://www.qim.com/)
MusicaPopular.cl (http://baike.baidu.com/)
- Encyclopedia of Chilean musical heritage, from the past to the present.
Baidu Baike (http://baike.baidu.com/)
- Collaborative encyclopedia created by the Baidu, Inc.
Rock in China (http://www.rockinchina.com/)
- A wiki detailing the recent Chinese underground/independent music scene.
DHHU (http://www.dhhu.dk/)
- Danish wiki site containing extensive information about Danish hip hop releases (= "udgivelser") since the 1980's.
Rockens Danmarkskort (http://www.rockensdanmarkskort.dk/)
- "The Rock Music Map of Denmark" is at its core a collection of stories and anecdotes from, with, and by music people related to various locations around Denmark. It is run by the Danish Museum of Rock Music.
Muziekweb (https://www.muziekweb.eu/)
- Muziekweb is the music library of The Netherlands.
ESTER (http://www.ester.ee/)
- Estonian library database.
Finna.fi (https://finna.fi/)
- Catalogue from Finnish museums, libraries and archives.
Finnmusic (http://finnmusic.net/)
Fono (http://www.fono.fi/)
Pomus (http://pomus.net/)
Bibliothèque nationale de France — Catalogue général (http://catalogue.bnf.fr/)
- French national library, authoritative and bibliographic database.
Encyclopédisque (http://www.encyclopedisque.fr/)
- French database for 7″ vinyl.
IdRef (https://www.idref.fr/)
- French portal for researchers and universities to Calamese, Sudoc, and Theses authority databases.
Musik-Sammler (http://www.musik-sammler.de/)
- German generalist database.
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (http://d-nb.info/)
- German National Library, bibliographic database.
Offizielle Deutsche Charts (https://www.offiziellecharts.de/)
- German charts provided by GfK Entertainment on BVMI’s behalf.
Discografia Nazionale della canzone italiana (http://discografia.dds.it/)
- Italian database of musica leggera, especially useful for older releases.
CiNii (http://ci.nii.ac.jp/)
LiveFans (ライブファンズ) (http://www.livefans.jp/)
- Collaborative database of musical events with artists, set lists and venues.
Miku Hatsune (初音ミク) Wiki (https://www5.atwiki.jp/hmiku/)
- Fan-run wiki about Vocaloid artists, albums and songs.
NDL (http://iss.ndl.go.jp/)
Stage48 (http://stage48.net/)
- A site dedicated to all things AKB48.
TouhouDB (http://touhoudb.com/)
- Collaborative database of Touhou artists, albums, events and songs.
UtaiteDB (http://utaitedb.net/)
- Collaborative database of utaite artists, albums, events and songs.
VKDB (http://www.vkdb.jp/)
VocaDB (http://vocadb.net/)
- Collaborative database of singing synthesizer (Vocaloid, UTAU…) artists, albums, events and songs.
ジャパメタ (http://japanesemetal.gooside.com/)
- Japanese hard rock and metal resource
グラスレ (http://www22.big.or.jp/~yunisan/)
- Visual Kei resource
maniadb (http://www.maniadb.com/)
Rockipedia (http://www.rockipedia.no)
- User editable encyclopaedia of norwegian rock/pop/etc. music.
Biblioteka Polskiej Piosenki (http://www.bibliotekapiosenki.pl/)
Tobar an Dualchais (http://www.cancioneros.si/mediawiki/)
- Database (and recording repository) for Scottish acoustic cultural heritage, including music.
Cancioneros Musicales Españoles (http://www.cancioneros.si/mediawiki/)
- Wiki about composers, folios, and works in Spanish early music.
FolkWiki (http://www.folkwiki.se/)
- Wiki about Swedish and Scandinavian folk music.
Svensk mediedatabas (https://smdb.kb.se/)
- Swedish Royal Library search service for audiovisual collections.
ISRC查詢系統 (http://isrc.ncl.edu.tw/)
- Taiwanese ISRC database, maintained by the National Central Library. Note that the track order may not match physical releases, since tracks are sorted by ISRC code.
Genre pages
Anime music
AniDB (https://anidb.net)
- A database for anime, including voice/music artists and anime-associated music releases.
- Artists can be linked to staff pages (/creator), used for people involved in the anime.
- (Character) artists can also be linked to character pages (/character), used for characters in the anime.
- Recordings can be linked to song pages (/song).
- Releases can be linked to collection pages (/collection).
Anime News Network (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/)
- An encyclopedia with information about Japanese anime (including foreign adaptations).
Anison (http://anison.info/)
- A database for anime songs.
Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com)
- A large, worldwide books database, including also audiobooks.
- Artists can be linked to author pages (/author).
- Releases can be linked to edition pages (/book), mostly for audiobooks.
- Series can be linked to series (/series) pages, mostly for book work series.
LibraryThing (https://www.librarything.com)
- A large, worldwide database for people to catalog their books (including audiobooks) and, to a lesser degree, music albums.
- Artists can be linked to author pages (/author).
- Release groups can be linked to work pages (/work). Use this for works that represent music albums.
- Series can be linked to series (/nseries) pages, mostly for book work series.
- Works can be linked to work pages (/work). Use this for literary works.
Brahms (http://brahms.ircam.fr)
- Contemporary classical resource by the French institute IRCAM
Classical Archives (http://www.classicalarchives.com/)
DRAM (http://www.dramonline.org/)
- Database of audio, notes, etc from New World, Composers Recordings and other classical labels
Operabase (https://www.operabase.com/)
- Database of opera performances, performers, and works
Opera Discographies (http://operadis-opera-discography.org.uk/)
Overture (https://overture.doremus.org/)
- Classical music database created by the collaboration of several big French institutions
Operabase (https://www.operabase.com/)
RISM (https://rism.online/)
- Database of music sources, such as manuscripts and printed scores, held in libraries and archives.
- Artists can be linked to person pages (/people).
psydb (http://www.psydb.net/)
Resident Advisor (http://www.residentadvisor.net/)
rolldabeats (http://www.rolldabeats.com/)
Cape Breton Fiddle Recording Index (http://www.cbfiddle.com/rx/)
- Database of recorded Cape Breton fiddle tunes, by Alan Snyder.
DanceDB (http://tedcrane.com/DanceDB/)
- Database of dances (generally Contra Dances), venues, bands, people, and the events that link them together in North America. (Can be linked against Artists.)
Irish Traditional Music Tune Index (https://www.irishtune.info/)
- Tunography of Irish traditional music, by Alan Ng.
Mainly Norfolk (https://mainlynorfolk.info/folk/)
- Database of English folk and other close music.
The Dance Gypsy (http://www.thedancegypsy.com/)
- Lists of dancing events throughout the United States and Canada. (Can be linked against Artists.)
The Session (http://www.thesession.org/)
- "Jam session" resource for primarily Irish trad. musicians. Useful for linking recordings to works. (Can be linked against Release Groups and Works.)
The Traditional Tune Archive (http://tunearch.org/)
- The Semantic Index of North American, British and Irish traditional instrumental music with annotation, formerly known as The Fiddler's Companion.
Jazz Music Archives (http://www.jazzmusicarchives.com/)
- Database about jazz music worldwide.
- Artists can be linked to artist pages (/artist).
- Recordings can be linked to music video pages (/video).
- Release groups can be linked to album pages (/album).
Metal-Archives (http://www.metal-archives.com/)
- The most complete metal database.
- Release pages used to be related to MusicBrainz Release Groups, but it now supports release "versions" which are the equivalent of our Releases. Newer or updated releases should then be related to MusicBrainz Releases.
Metal Music Archives (http://www.metalmusicarchives.com/)
- Database about metal music worldwide.
- Artists can be linked to artist pages (/artist).
- Recordings can be linked to music video pages (/video).
- Release groups can be linked to album pages (/album).
Spirit of Metal (http://www.spirit-of-metal.com/)
- Less accurate but more wide in focus than Metal-Archives.
Prog Archives (http://www.progarchives.com/)
- Database about progressive rock music worldwide.
Spirit of Rock (http://www.spirit-of-rock.com/)
SoundtrackCollector (http://www.soundtrackcollector.com/)
- Database of soundtrack releases and composers. Movie title pages should be related to MusicBrainz Release Groups.
CastAlbums.org (http://castalbums.org/)
- Discography of musical theatre recordings and resources for collectors
IBDb (http://www.ibdb.com)
- The official database for Broadway theatre information.
IOBDb (http://www.lortel.org/Archives)
- The Lortel Archives, or "Internet Off-Broadway Database". For non-Broadway New York productions.
Theatricalia (http://theatricalia.com/)
- A database of past and future theatre productions. Not restricted to any specific place.
Video game music
MobyGames (https://www.mobygames.com)
- A database for video games, including the people and companies involved in making them.
- Artists (such as soundtrack composers) can be linked to person pages (/person).
- Labels can be linked to company pages (/company), and can be used for game companies who also put discs out.
- Releases, release groups and works cannot currently be linked, since there's no dedicated soundtrack page at MobyGames.
OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org/)
- Apart from a database of OverClocked ReMix arrangements, also contains information about video game music in itself.
VNDB (https://vndb.org)
- A database for visual novels, including the voice/music artists and companies involved.
- Artists can be linked to staff pages (/s[ID]), used for people involved in the games.
- (Character) artists can also be linked to character pages (/c[ID]), used for characters in the games.
- Labels can be linked to producer pages (/p[ID]).
- Releases, release groups and works cannot currently be linked, since there's no dedicated soundtrack page at VNDB.
Crew United (https://www.crew-united.com)
- A database for audiovisual work, including music videos.
- Artists, labels and recordings (the videos) can be linked.