Jazz / Collections

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~+Jazz > Collections +~
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This page is a work memo for jazz oriented editors. It contains a list of (in)famous jazz collections, providing exhaustive details that don't belong to releases annotations, status of the collections in MB (complete, partial, totally absent), "state" of the releases (borked, tidied, ...), links to relevant resources (both wiki label pages and external), editing information (naming schemes, ...) and also tasks and todos.

JAZZIZ on Disc

  • Completion status: incomplete (10/161)
  • Shape of what we have: good
  • Status tracking page: JAZZIZ on Disc
  • Central edit for discussions: 4942169 (although the editors there have spammed it up already)
  • External ressources: JAZZIZ on Disc official site
  • Naming scheme: "JAZZIZ on Disc: MONTH YEAR" or "JAZZIZ on Disc: SUBTITLE, VOLUME#: MONTH YEAR"
  • Editors actually working on this: nobody
  • Additional notes: they apparently insist on their JAZZIZ all caps, hence I sticked with that (although I find it ugly)
  • Todo:
    • [DONE] create Jazz/Labels/JAZZIZ
    • [DONE] complete the status page with all releases from official web site
    • [DONE] backlink annotations to the label wiki page
    • complete the collection

First Class Jazz

  • Completion status: 13/20
  • Shape of what we have: some have been checked
  • Status tracking page: []
  • Central edit for discussions: 4870472
  • External ressources: unfortunately, De Morgen official pages don't exist anymore...
  • Naming scheme: "First Class Jazz (disc X: ARTISTNAME)"
  • Editors actually working on this: nobody
  • Additional notes:
    • De Morgen is a belgian magazine. They give this collection (advertised as a box set) as a freebie with their issues. Apparently issued by EMI from Verve and Blue Note vaults
  • Todo (?):
    • create status page
    • complete the status page with all releases from official web site
    • backlink annotations to the label wiki page
    • complete the collection

Mosaic Select

  • Completion status: a third (7/22)
  • Shape of what we have: a few good, a few unchecked
  • Status tracking page: Mosaic
  • Central edit for discussions: 4941138
  • External ressources: Mosaic Select official page
  • Naming scheme: "Mosaic Select X: ARTISTNAME (disc Y)"
  • Editors actually working on this: nobody
  • Additional notes:
  • Todo:
    • create Jazz/Labels/Mosaic
    • complete the status page with all releases from official web site
    • backlink annotations to the label wiki page
    • complete the collection

Priceless Jazz Collection

  • Completion status: no idea :) probably ~30 out of ~50
  • Shape of what we have: unknown
  • Status tracking page: no page yet (will live on the future GRP label page)
  • Central edit for discussions: 5587120
  • External ressources: Verve Music Group search page
  • Naming scheme: actually "Priceless Jazz" (suggested by harveydrone)
  • Editors actually working on this: nobody
  • Additional notes:
  • Todo:
    • create Jazz/Labels/GRP
    • complete the status page with all releases from official web site
    • backlink annotations to the label wiki page
    • complete and fix the collection...

Jazz in Paris

  • Completion status: complete (113/113)
  • Shape of what we have: good
  • Status tracking page: Jazz in Paris
  • Central edit for discussions:
  • External ressources:
  • Naming scheme: "Jazz in Paris: SUBTITLE"
  • Editors actually working on this: mr_maxis
  • Additional notes:
  • Todo:
    • upload covers
    • update "Digipak"
    • check credits

The Chronological Classics

  • Completion status: complete (965/965)
  • Shape of what we have: good
  • Status tracking page: The Chronological Classics
  • Central edit for discussions:
  • External ressources:
  • Naming scheme: "The Chronological Classics: ARTISTNAME YEAR"
  • Editors actually working on this: mr_maxis
  • Additional notes:
  • Todo:
    • upload covers
    • update "Jewel case"
    • check credits


  • collections that will come in very short term:
    • Jazz Moods collection
    • Jazz Profile collection
    • Prestige Profiles
    • Planet Jazz collection
    • Compact Jazz collection
    • Columbia Jazz Masters
    • EMI Jazz Masters
    • "The Complete"
    • Ultimate Collection
    • Mandarim (aka e.f.s.a.) Collection
    • Blue Note 50th Anniversary
    • Verve Jazz Masters
