MC Lars (American rapper)

~ Person

Performance name of: Andrew Nielsen (Andrew Robert Nielsen)



1999Nothing to FearLars Horris52
2000InsectivorousLars Horris52
2003Radio Pet FencingMC Lars53
2006The GraduateMC Lars53
200721 Concepts (But a Hit Ain't One)MC Lars53
2008Digital Gangster LPMC Lars & ytcracker51
2009This Gigantic Robot KillsMC Lars53
2011Lars Attacks!MC Lars52
2011Indie Rocket ScienceMC Lars52
201323 Concepts (But a Hit Apparently Both Obviously and Clearly Still Ain't One)MC Lars52
2015The Zombie Dinosaur LPMC Lars54
201522 Concepts (But a Hit Definitely Still Ain't One)MC Lars52
2016Donald Trump Has Really Bad MoralsMC Lars51
2016The MC Lars and Mega Ran ExperienceMC Lars & Mega Ran1
2017The Jeff SessionsMC Lars52
2018Notes from ToontownMC Lars52
2019The Dewey Decibel SystemMC Lars & Mega Ran54
2019The Dewey Decibel System InstrumentalsMC Lars & Mega Ran1
2020The Bible LPMC Lars31
2021Blockchain PlanetMC Lars2
2024999MC Lars & Schäffer the Darklord2

Album + Compilation

2012Greatest HitsMC Lars52


2005Signing EmoMC Lars51
2006Download This SongMC Lars51
2007Hipster GirlMC Lars51
2016PlaylistThe Bottom Line feat. MC Lars51
2017Fear of a Black HoleMC Hawking feat. MC Lars51
2020Revenge of the Nerds IIMC Lars feat. Mega Ran, Beefy, Schäffer the Darklord, SkyBlew, MC Frontalot, YTCracker, LEX the Lexicon Artist and Former Fat Boys41


2004The Laptop EPMC Lars55
2008The Green Christmas EPMC Lars51
2009Single and FamousMC Lars & K.Flay53
2010Twenty‐Three the EPMC Lars1
2011The Ill Remix EPMC Lars52
2011The Frosty the Flow Man EPMC Lars51
2012The Edgar Allan Poe EPMC Lars53
2019Humble BundleMC Lars1

Other + Compilation

2010This Gigantic Robot KillsMC Lars51
2020The FriendaloriansMC Lars & Schäffer the Darklord1

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