
members:大柳麻帆 (from 2004 until 2005-07)
植村あかり (from 2012 until 2013-11)
金子りえ (former member of Hello! Project) (from 2012-01 until 2013)
大塚愛菜 (from 2012-01 until 2013)
宮本佳林 (from 2012-01 until 2013-11)
高木紗友希 (from 2012-01 until 2013-11)
岡村里星 (from 2012-03 until 2013)
金澤朋子 (from 2012-11 until 2013-11)
田邉奈菜美 (from 2012-01 until 2014)
吉橋くるみ (from 2012-01 until 2014)
小数賀芙由香 (from 2012-02 until 2014)
室田瑞希 (from 2012-03 until 2014-10)
牧野真莉愛 (from 2012-11 until 2014-09)
浜浦彩乃 (from 2012-01 until 2015-11)
小川麗奈 (from 2012-01 until 2015-11)
田口夏実 (from 2012-01 until 2015-11)
野村みな美 (from 2012-06 until 2015-12)
和田桜子 (from 2012-11 until 2015-11)
加賀楓 (from 2012-11 until 2016-12-23)
山岸理子 (from 2012-06-17 until 2017-02-28)
岸本ゆめの (from 2012-11-20 until 2017-02-28)
一岡伶奈 (from 2012-11 until 2018-07)
真城佳奈 (from 2013-05 until 2013)
佐々木莉佳子 (from 2013-03 until 2014-10)
田中可恋 (Hello! Project artist) (from 2013-05 until 2014)
稲場愛香 (from 2013-05 until 2014-12)
山木梨沙 (from 2013-09 until 2014-12)
三瓶海南 (from 2013-05 until 2015)
藤井梨央 (from 2013-05 until 2015-11)
船木結 (from 2013-09 until 2015-12)
新沼希空 (from 2013-09-22 until 2017-02-28)
段原瑠々 (from 2013-09-23 until 2017-06-26)
井上ひかる (from 2013-05 until 2018-05)
相川茉穂 (from 2014-04 until 2014-10-04)
広瀬彩海 (from 2014-11 until 2015-11)
井上玲音 (from 2014-11 until 2015-11)
浅倉樹々 (from 2014-11 until 2017-02)
小片リサ (from 2014-11 until 2017-02)
小野田紗栞 (from 2014-11 until 2017-02)
梁川奈々美 (from 2015-04 until 2015-12)
笠原桃奈 (from 2015-04-01 until 2016-07)
小野瑞歩 (from 2015-04 until 2017-02)
高瀬くるみ (from 2015-02 until 2018-07)
前田こころ (from 2015-04 until 2018-07)
横山玲奈 (from 2016-08 until 2016-12)
川村文乃 (from 2016-08-17 until 2017-06)
清野桃々姫 (from 2016-01 until 2018-07)
西田汐里 (from 2016-08 until 2018-07)
山﨑夢羽 (from 2016-08 until 2018-07)
橋迫鈴 (from 2016-08 until 2019-07)
米村姫良々 (from 2016-01 until 2021-12-13)
松原ユリヤ (from 2017-12 to present)
江口紗耶 (from 2017-03 until 2018-07)
岡村美波 (from 2017-03 until 2018-07)
島倉りか (from 2017-03 until 2018-07)
松永里愛 (from 2017-03 until 2019-06)
為永幸音 (from 2017-12-04 until 2020-11-02)
山田苺 (from 2017-03 until 2021)
中山夏月姫 (from 2017-03 until 2021-12-13)
窪田七海 (from 2017-12 until 2021-12-12)
小野田華凛 (from 2018-11 to present)
斉藤円香 (from 2018-11 until 2021-12-13)
橋田歩果 (from 2019-08 to present)
村越彩菜 (from 2019-08 to present)
植村葉純 (from 2019-08 to present)
江端妃咲 (from 2019-08-02 until 2021-07-07)
豫風瑠乃 (from 2019-08-02 until 2021-07-07)
広本瑠璃 (from 2019-08 until 2021-12-13)
北原もも (from 2019-08 until 2021-12-13)
西﨑美空 (from 2019-08 until 2021-12-13)
平山遊季 (from 2019-08-02 until 2021-12-30)
有澤一華 (from 2020-11-04 until 2021-07-07)
石山咲良 (from 2020-11-04 until 2022-06-29)
吉田姫杷 (from 2021-08 to present)
川嶋美楓 (from 2021-08-23 until 2023-05-23)
前島花凛 (from 2022-02 to present)
後藤花 (from 2022-02-14 until 2023-05-23)
下井谷幸穂 (from 2022-08-08 until 2023-05-23)
林仁愛 (from 2023-03 to present)
河野空愛 (from 2023-03 to present)
牧野永愛 (from 2023-03 to present)
purchase music for download: [info] [info] (until 2019-05-19)
Discogs: [info]
other databases:!_Pro_Kenshuusei [info]
social networking: [info]
YouTube channels: [info]
Wikidata:Q1320180 [info]


友(とも)(生田衣梨奈) / 泣き出すかもしれないよ(鞘師里保) / 私のでっかい花(飯窪春菜) / 哀愁ロマンティック(道重さゆみ・譜久村聖+ハロプロ研修生) / トキメクトキメケ(道重さゆみ) / やめてよ!シンドバッド(鈴木香音・佐藤優樹・工藤遥・小田さくら+ハロプロ研修生) / 信念だけは貫き通せ!(道重さゆみ) / 彼と一緒にお店がしたい!(モーニング娘。'14+ハロプロ研修生) (live, 2014-05-05: Nakano Sunplaza Hall, Nakano, Tokyo, Japan)guestモーニング娘。’14