

200117:48 From the Texas GalleryStephen Vitiello1


1996Chairs Not StairsStephen Vitiello1
1998The Light of Falling CarsStephen Vitiello1
2000Scratchy MarimbaStephen Vitiello1
2000Uitti / VitielloUitti / Vitiello1
2001Bright and Dusty ThingsStephen Vitiello1
2002Autumn LightVitiello / Bode / Deutsch1
2002Humming Bird Feeder Ver 0.2Tetsu Inoue & Stephen Vitiello & Andrew Deutsch1
2003Invisible Architecture #7Scanner & Stephen Vitiello1
2006Untitled / ExchangeMichael J. Schumacher / Stephen Vitiello1
2007Listening to Donald JuddStephen Vitiello1
2008Box MusicMachinefabriek + Stephen Vitiello1
2008Stephen Vitiello with eighth blackbirdStephen Vitiello with eighth blackbird1
2009The Gorilla VariationsMolly Berg + Stephen Vitiello2
2011Acute InbetweensLawrence English & Stephen Vitiello2
2011Birds in a BoxStephen Vitiello + Machinefabriek1
2011Age of InsectsMem1 + Stephen Vitiello1
2013Between You and the Shapes You TakeStephen Vitiello + Molly Berg2
2014CaptivaStephen Vitiello & Taylor Deupree1
2014FableLawrence English + Stephen Vitiello2
2019Fridman VariationsStephen Vitiello & Taylor Deupree1
2019I Drew a Fish Hook, and It Turned Into a FlowerStephen Vitiello & Molly Berg1
2020Brood IXStephen Vitiello1
2021Earth AwhileMike Grigoni, Chihei Hatakeyama, Stephen Vitiello1
2021Stephen Vitiello with Brendan CantyStephen Vitiello with Brendan Canty1
2022The Other Forgotten LettersBill Seaman & Stephen Vitiello1

Album + Live

Performance At The Chinati Foundation, Marfa, TX, September 2007Steve Roden / Stephen Vitiello1


2002Track 18, Mix 3, MP3 Genre=Blues?Stephen Vitiello1
2002Minutes After FrogsStephen Vitiello & Pauline Oliveros1
2017May 18 / Loop to CloudsStephen Vitiello & Taylor Deupree1


2001Sounds Building in the Fading LightStephen Vitiello1
2002Invisible Architecture #7Scanner & Stephen Vitiello1
2020Slow MachinesMichael Grigoni & Stephen Vitiello1

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