
WorkWritersArtistsISWCTypeLyrics languagesAttributesRating
Amores: II. Trio for 9 tom-toms and a pod rattle
    Amores: III. Trio for 7 wood blocks
      But what about the noise of crumpling paper which he used to do in order to paint the series of "papiers froisses" or tearing up paper to make "papiers dechires?" Arp was stimulated by water (sea, lake, and flowing waters like rivers), forests
        Credo in US (for 4 percussionists)
        • [No lyrics]
        Double Music
          First Construction (In Metal)
            Imaginary Landscape no. 1
            • [No lyrics]
            Imaginary Landscape no. 2
              Imaginary Landscape no. 3
                  Second Construction
                    She Is Asleep (for percussionists)
                      Third Construction