Do not confuse with Заслуженный коллектив России Академический симфонический оркестр Санкт-Петербургской филармонии that has the identical name except the honorary title. Both orchestras currently belong to The St. Petersburg Philharmonia. This orchestra started under the auspices of Leningrad Radio.
Commonly used English name is St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra.
Acronym used for this orchestra on official website: asof.
Main conductor periods (apparently):
H.Unger (1931 - ?),
I.Alterman (? - ?)
N. Rabinovich (? - ?)
Karl Eliasberg (1942 - ?)
A. Jansons (? - ?)
Y. Temirkanov (1968 - 1977)
Aleksandr Dmitriyev (1977 - June 2018 )
St Petersburg was renamed Petrograd (1914) then Leningrad (1924). And then renamed back to Saint Petersburg (1991).
St Petersburg has had a Philharmonic Society since 1802.
This orchestra joined the Leningrad Philharmonic society in 1953.
(This annotation functions as an extended disambiguation.)
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