

1991Taboo VI: The HomecomingThe Mountain Goats2
1992The Hound ChroniclesThe Mountain Goats1
1993Hot Garden StompThe Mountain Goats1
1993Transmissions to HoraceThe Mountain Goats2
1994Zopilote MachineThe Mountain Goats43
1994Taking the DativeThe Mountain Goats1
1995SwedenThe Mountain Goats53
1996Nothing for JuiceThe Mountain Goats53
1997Full Force GalesburgThe Mountain Goats32
2000The Coroner's GambitThe Mountain Goats4.354
2002All Hail West TexasThe Mountain Goats44
2002TallahasseeThe Mountain Goats55
2004We Shall All Be HealedThe Mountain Goats4.55
2005The Sunset TreeThe Mountain Goats46
2006Get LonelyThe Mountain Goats35
2008Heretic PrideThe Mountain Goats37
2009The Life of the World to ComeThe Mountain Goats44
2011All Eternals DeckThe Mountain Goats3.57
2012Transcendental YouthThe Mountain Goats35
2015Beat the ChampThe Mountain Goats55
2017GothsThe Mountain Goats5
2019In League With DragonsThe Mountain Goats6
2020Songs for Pierre ChuvinThe Mountain Goats5
2020Getting Into KnivesThe Mountain Goats6
2021Dark in HereThe Mountain Goats26
2022Bleed OutThe Mountain Goats3.55
2023Jenny From ThebesThe Mountain Goats45

Album + Compilation

1999Protein Source of the Future...Now!The Mountain Goats33
2002Bitter Melon FarmThe Mountain Goats42
2002GhanaThe Mountain Goats32
2012The Hound Chronicles / Hot Garden Stomp (Double album reissue)The Mountain Goats2

Album + Live

2020The Jordan Lake Sessions: Volumes 1 and 2The Mountain Goats51
2021The Jordan Lake Sessions: Volumes 3 and 4The Mountain Goats1
2022The Jordan Lake Sessions: Volume 5The Mountain Goats1

Album + Demo

2005Come, Come to the Sunset TreeThe Mountain Goats51
2011All Survivors PackThe Mountain Goats1


1993Chile de ÁrbolThe Mountain Goats1
1996Tropical DepressionFurniture Huschle / The Mountain Goats1
2002See America RightThe Mountain Goats52
2003Palmcorder YajnaThe Mountain Goats53
2003Bedside Recordings, Volume 1.2The Mountain Goats / John Vanderslice1
2004Letter From BelgiumThe Mountain Goats1
2012Steal Smoked Fish / In the Shadow of the Western HillsThe Mountain Goats2
2014Who You AreThe Mountain Goats1
2015Blood Capsules / Dub CapsulesThe Mountain Goats1
2016SummerThe Mountain Goats1
2017Andrew Eldritch Is Moving Back to LeedsThe Mountain Goats1
2017Rain in SohoThe Mountain Goats1
2017From the Lake TrialsThe Mountain Goats1
2018Song for Sasha BanksThe Mountain Goats1
2019YoungerThe Mountain Goats1
2019Sentries in the Ambush / Divided Sky LaneThe Mountain Goats1
2019Welcome to PassaicThe Mountain Goats2
2020As Many Candles as PossibleThe Mountain Goats1
2020Get FamousThe Mountain Goats1
2020Picture of My DressThe Mountain Goats1
2021MobileThe Mountain Goats1
2021The Slow Parts on Death Metal AlbumsThe Mountain Goats1
2021Dark in HereThe Mountain Goats1
2022Training MontageThe Mountain Goats1
2022Wage Wars Get Rich Die HandsomeThe Mountain Goats1
2022Mark on YouThe Mountain Goats1
2023Clean SlateThe Mountain Goats1


1992Songs for PetroniusThe Mountain Goats1
1994Beautiful Rat SunsetThe Mountain Goats32
1994PhilyraThe Mountain Goats1
1994Yam, the King of CropsThe Mountain Goats1
1995Nine Black PoppiesThe Mountain Goats52
1995Orange Raja, Blood RoyalThe Mountain Goats and Alastair Galbraith1
1995Songs About FireThe Mountain Goats1
1995Songs for Peter HughesThe Mountain Goats1
1998New Asian CinemaThe Mountain Goats2
2000Isopanisad Radio HourThe Mountain Goats2
2001Jam Eater BluesThe Mountain Goats2
2001On Juhu BeachThe Mountain Goats1
2002Devil in the ShortwaveThe Mountain Goats2
2005DilaudidThe Mountain Goats3
2006Babylon Springs EPThe Mountain Goats52
2008Seven for AustraliaThe Mountain Goats1
2008Satanic Messiah EPThe Mountain Goats33
2008Black Pear TreeThe Mountain Goats & Kaki King41
2008Three for Mike GThe Mountain Goats1
2009Moon Colony BloodbathThe Mountain Goats & John Vanderslice3
2017Selected Goths in AmbientThe Mountain Goats1
2017Marsh Witch VisionsThe Mountain Goats1
2018Lagniappe SessionsThe Mountain Goats2
2018Hex of Infinite Binding EPThe Mountain Goats1

EP + Compilation

2014Or Thousands of Prizes, January / FebruaryMikal Cronin / Superchunk / Mount Moriah / The Mountain Goats1

EP + Live

2008A Constant Reminder That People Burn and So Does Time: Daytrotter Studio, Rock Island, IL, USAThe Mountain Goats1

Other + Live

2010The Life of the World to Come: A Film by Rian JohnsonThe Mountain Goats1

Broadcast + Live

2005-01-26: Phoning It In, "The Mountain Goats"The Mountain Goats1

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