Record Club (2009 Beck collaborative project)

~ Group


"Record Club is an informal meeting of various musicians to record an album in a day. The album chosen to be reinterpreted is used as a framework. Nothing is rehearsed or arranged ahead of time. A track is put up here once a week. The songs are rough renditions, often first takes that document what happened over the course of a day as opposed to a polished rendering. There is no intention to 'add to' the original work or attempt to recreate the power of the original recording. Only to play music and document what happens."

Videos were posted irregularly from September 2009 to September 2010, with a total of five album covered in their entirety. While not explicitly defunct, the project has not received an update in over 10 years. As of mid-March 2016, a redesign of Beck's website has made this project largely inaccessible, but the associated videos remain watchable here.

Annotation last modified on 2021-10-29 16:12 UTC.



2009The Velvet Underground & NicoRecord Club52
2009Songs of Leonard CohenRecord Club52
2010OarRecord Club51
2010KickRecord Club1
2010Yanni Live at the AcropolisRecord Club1

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