研究生 (SKE48)

~ Group


members:加藤るみ (from 2009-03-29 until 2010-08-21)
阿比留李帆 (from 2009-03-29 until 2010-12-06)
磯原杏華 (from 2009-03-29 until 2010-12-06)
木下有希子 (from 2009-11-01 until 2010-02-27)
須田亜香里 (from 2009-11-01 until 2010-02-27)
小木曽汐莉 (from 2009-11-13 until 2010-02-25)
木﨑ゆりあ (from 2009-11-01 until 2010-06-23)
秦佐和子 (from 2009-11-01 until 2010-12-06)
後藤理沙子 (from 2009-11-13 until 2010-12-06)
上野圭澄 (from 2009-11-13 until 2010-12-06)
原望奈美 (from 2010-09-30 until 2010-12-06)
金子栞 (from 2010-09-30 until 2010-12-06)
木本花音 (from 2010-09-30 until 2010-12-06)
小林亜実 (from 2010-09-30 until 2010-12-06)
酒井萌衣 (from 2010-09-30 until 2010-12-06)
柴田阿弥 (from 2010-09-30 until 2010-12-06)
高木由麻奈 (from 2010-09-30 until 2010-12-06)
竹内舞 (from 2010-09-30 until 2010-12-06)
都築里佳 (from 2010-09-30 until 2010-12-06)
梅本まどか (from 2010-09-30 until 2010-12-06)
矢方美紀 (from 2010-11-01 until 2010-12-06)
井口栞里 (from 2010-12-06 until 2012-08-29)
鬼頭桃菜 (from 2010-12-06 until 2012-08-29)
斉藤真木子 (SKE48) (from 2010-12-06 until 2012-08-29)
内山命 (from 2010-12-06 until 2012-08-29)
小林絵未梨 (from 2010-09-30 until 2013-05-06)
犬塚あさな (from 2010-09-30 until 2014-08-04)
古畑奈和 (from 2011-10-16 until 2012-08-29)
菅なな子 (from 2011-10-16 until 2012-08-29)
江籠裕奈 (from 2011-10-16 until 2013-04-13)
岩永亞美 (from 2011-10-16 until 2013-04-13)
日置実希 (from 2011-10-16 until 2013-06-01)
市野成美 (from 2011-10-16 until 2013-07-17)
新土居沙也加 (from 2011-10-16 until 2013-07-17)
大脇有紗 (from 2011-10-16 until 2014-02-24)
荻野利沙 (from 2011-10-16 until 2015-03-31)
北原侑奈 (from 2013-02-28 until 2013-11-22)
矢野杏月 (from 2013-01-01 until 2014-02-23)
山本由香 (from 2013-01-01 until 2014-03-22)
折戸愛彩 (from 2013-01-01 until 2014-04-29)
空美夕日 (from 2013-01-01 until 2014-06-29)
北野瑠華 (from 2013-04-20 until 2014-02-24)
後藤真由子 (from 2013-04-20 until 2014-07-29)
佐々木柚香 (from 2013-01-01 until 2015-02-28)
小畑優奈 (from 2015-03-15 until 2015-11-28)
太田彩夏 (from 2015-03-15 until 2016-11-20)
町音葉 (from 2015-03-15 until 2016-12-01)
井上瑠夏 (from 2015-05-10 until 2017-10-05)
野村実代 (from 2015-05-10 until 2017-10-05)
川崎成美 (from 2015-03-15 until 2018-01-08)
和田愛菜 (from 2015-03-15 until 2018-08-31)
北川愛乃 (from 2016-11-19 until 2017-10-05)
矢作有紀奈 (from 2016-11-19 until 2017-10-05)
倉島杏実 (from 2016-11-19 until 2018-05-01)
大芝りんか (from 2016-11-19 until 2018-05-01)
坂本真凛 (from 2016-11-19 until 2018-05-01)
白雪希明 (from 2016-11-19 until 2018-05-01)
石川咲姫 (from 2016-11-19 until 2018-06-26)
渥美彩羽 (from 2016-11-19 until 2018-07-31)
深井ねがい (from 2016-11-19 until 2018-09-16)
石黒友月 (from 2016-11-19 until 2018-09-16)
森平莉子 (from 2016-11-19 until 2018-10-06)
平野百菜 (from 2018-12-31 to present)
入内嶋涼 (from 2018-12-31 to present)
石川花音 (from 2018-12-31 to present)
川嶋美晴 (from 2018-12-31 to present)
中坂美祐 (from 2018-12-31 to present)
大橋真子 (from 2018-12-31 to present)
鈴木愛菜 (from 2018-12-31 to present)
竹内ななみ (from 2018-12-31 to present)
杉山菜田里 (from 2018-12-31 until 2019-06-30)
赤堀君江 (from 2018-12-31 until 2020-03-01)
青海ひな乃 (from 2018-12-31 until 2020-03-01)
荒野姫楓 (from 2018-12-31 until 2020-03-01)
池田楓 (SKE48) (from 2018-12-31 until 2020-03-01)
岡本彩夏 (from 2018-12-31 until 2020-03-01)
白井友紀乃 (from 2018-12-31 until 2020-03-01)
田辺美月 (from 2018-12-31 until 2020-03-01)
藤本冬香 (from 2018-12-31 until 2020-10-05)
鈴木恋奈 (from 2018-12-31 until 2020-10-05)
青木莉樺 (from 2019-12-21 to present)
五十嵐早香 (from 2019-12-21 to present)
石塚美月 (from 2019-12-21 to present)
加藤結 (SKE48 trainee) (from 2019-12-21 to present)
鬼頭未来 (from 2019-12-21 to present)
木内俐椛子 (from 2019-12-21 to present)
杉山歩南 (from 2019-12-21 to present)
林美澪 (from 2019-12-21 until 2021-12-19)
伊藤実希 (SKE48) (from 2019-12-21 until 2021-12-19)
西井美桜 (from 2019-12-21 until 2021-12-19)
澤田奏音 (from 2019-12-21 until 2021-12-19)
原優寧 (from 2022-03-03 to present)
森本くるみ (from 2022-03-03 to present)
篠原京香 (from 2022-03-03 to present)
original members:平松可奈子 (from 2008-07-31 until 2008-11-29)
佐藤聖羅 (from 2008-07-30 until 2009-05-25)
佐藤実絵子 (from 2009-02-14 until 2009-05-25)