Howard Riley

~ Person



1971FlightHoward Riley3
1978Improvisations Are Forever Now (1977-9)Barry Guy, Howard Riley & Philipp Wachsmann2
1979EndgameBarry Guy, Howard Riley, John Stevens, Trevor Watts1
1990All the TraditionElton Dean, Howard Riley, Paul Rogers & Mark Sanders1
1992FingerprintsHoward Riley1
1995Wishing on the MoonRileyCastronariMarsh1
1999One to OneHoward Riley / Elton Dean1
2002Four in the AfternoonTony Wren / Larry Stabbins / Howard Riley / Mark Sanders1
2004Another Part of the StoryHoward Riley, John Tilbury & Keith Tippett1
2005ConsequencesHoward Riley1
2005Howard Riley at Lincoln CathedralHoward Riley1
2006Four At St. CypriansLarry StabbinsHoward RileyTony WrenMark Sanders1
2008For Four on Two TwoHoward Riley1
2012St. Cyprians 3Howard Riley, Philipp Wachsmann, Tony Wren1
2012St. Cyprians 2Larry StabbinsHoward RileyTony WrenMark Sanders1
2013Live With RepertoireHoward Riley1
2016Constant Change 1976-2016Howard Riley1
Solo In VilniusHoward Riley2

Album + Live

1990The Holywell ConcertLol Coxhill / George Haslam / Howard Riley / Paul Rutherford3
1994The Bern ConcertHoward Riley & Keith Tippett1

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