Genetic Trance (electronic / lo-bit)

~ Person

Performance name of: Alex Usiel Ischenkau

Also performs as: <br><br><br>f</br></br></br><br><br><br>f</br></br></br><br><br><br>f</br></br></br><br><br><br>f</br></br></br><br><br><br>f</br></br></br>, <br>GoQQAFFggfgо̶nа̶т̶g___|<<⌡⎛⎜⎧⎦⎳⎲𝔢𝔞𝔤𝔳𝔬⁡⃟⃝ℑѴℜ℘ℭ℮ℹ⅊↭⇮∏∝∰∳⊍⊍⊗</br>, √ɿLU ○▬►│▼, 🍥🎀🍥 (Vziel Projet), Acerbic Compendium, Barvinok, Bent rotor, Black Boss (Ukrainian hip-hop/RnB), Caliph Mutabor, COM Surrogate, Cyan Boss, Default Artist (field recordings), DJ CANVAS (vaporwave), DJ Harry G. ▲BLᴥCK▼, Homeland Manifold, Hooligan Faust, Merzlux (Ukrainian noise project), No More Life, Nosferatu 1922 (noise), P. Sadow, Solve et coagula (harsh noise), Surrogate Sigma, Thrust Pomp, Various Franklins (has hundreds of aliases with the surname “Franklin”), Vrendeferl, Vziel Projet, White Wound (noise), Zurien, Танцор из Франции



2015Positive Futurology (2016‒2099)Genetic Trance1

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