
The Evpatoria ReportThe Evpatoria ReportCD2
Shayo Records
Golevka (This is the release available for download on Bandcamp)The Evpatoria ReportDigital Media6
  • XW2005-04-07
GolevkaThe Evpatoria ReportCD6
Shayo RecordsShayo 004
MaarThe Evpatoria ReportCD4
Get A Life! RecordsGAL0080718122132751
GolevkaThe Evpatoria ReportCD6
Twilight Records (Argentine label)TW 1.41[none]
MaarThe Evpatoria ReportCD4
Pastel MusicPMCD 20470828600204778
Golevka + The Evpatoria ReportThe Evpatoria Report2×CD6 + 2
Pastel MusicPMCD 2048828600204877
Prognoz & Die Rede an die MenschheitThe Evpatoria Report (with Charlie Chaplin)Digital Media1
  • XW2015-08-24
Pinmusik - Pretty in Noise (music magazine label)[none][none]
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