Tony Oxley

~ Person



19704 Compositions for SextetTony Oxley2
1971IchnosTony Oxley1
1972Jazz in Britain ’68–’69John SurmanAlan SkidmoreTony Oxley3
1975Tony OxleyTony Oxley1
1977February PapersTony Oxley1
1979S.O.H.Alan Skidmore, Tony Oxley & Ali Haurand1
1980Seven Steps to EvansGordon Beck · Ron Mathewson · Tony Oxley · Stan Sulzmann · Kenny Wheeler1
1981Ach was!?Ulrich Gumpert / Radu Malfatti / Tony Oxley1
1981SOHAlan Skidmore, Tony Oxley & Ali Haurand1
1987The Glider & The GrinderTony Oxley and Philipp Wachsmann1
1990BodiesClaudio Fasoli - Mick Goodrick - Palle Danielsson - Tony Oxley1
1990ExploreStefano Battaglia, Tony Oxley1
1993In the Evenings Out TherePaul Bley / Gary Peacock / Tony Oxley / John Surman2
1993The Tony Oxley QuartetTony Oxley1
1995SulphurStefano Battaglia, Paolino Dalla Porta & Tony Oxley1
1997Soho SuitesDerek Bailey & Tony Oxley1
1998ChaosPaul Bley, Furio Di Castri & Tony Oxley1
1999Papyrus, Volume IBill Dixon with Tony Oxley1
2000Papyrus, Volume IIBill Dixon with Tony Oxley1
2002Floating PhantomsTony Oxley1
2007The AdvocateTony Oxley, Derek Bailey1
2013A Birthday Tribute - 75 YearsTony Oxley, Derek Bailey, Pat Thomas, Paul Rutherford, Matt Wand, Ian Brighton, Philipp Wachsmann1

Album + Live

1985Live at Roccella JonicaNorma Winstone, Kenny Wheeler, Paolo Fresu, John Taylor, Paolo Damiani, Tony Oxley2
1987Silenzi Osceni - Live in Roccella Jonica 1986Palle Mikkelborg, Charlie Mariano, Paolo Damiani, Tony Oxley, Tiziana Ghiglioni1
1989Leaf Palm HandCecil Taylor & Tony Oxley3
1991Looking (Berlin Version) CoronaCecil Taylor / Harald Kimmig / Muneer Abdul Fataah / William Parker / Tony Oxley3
2000Berlin AbbozziBill Dixon / Matthias Bauer / Klaus Koch / Tony Oxley1
2002Cecil Taylor / Bill Dixon / Tony OxleyCecil Taylor / Bill Dixon / Tony Oxley2
2002GratHovOxFrank Gratkowski, Fred Van Hove & Tony Oxley1
2006Live at Jazzwerkstatt PeitzConny Bauer, Gianluigi Trovesi, Tony Oxley, Dietmar Diesner2
2007S.O.H. Live in LondonAlan Skidmore | Tony Oxley | Ali Haurand1
2010Ailanthus / Altissima: Bilateral Dimensions of 2 Root SongsCecil Taylor & Tony Oxley1
2010Improvised Pieces for TrioSebastiano Meloni, Adriano Orrù, Tony Oxley1
2018Conversations With Tony OxleyCecil Taylor with Tony Oxley2
2020Birdland, Neuburg 2011Cecil Taylor and Tony Oxley2
2020....... Being Astral and All Registers – Power of Two......Cecil Taylor / Tony Oxley2

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