Herbert Jeffrey Hancock, born in Chicago, IL, USA, is without doubt the most well known, controversial and influential of all jazz pianists.
Soon noticed by and involved with Miles Davis, Mr Hancock almost stormed the hardbop Blue Note 60's with a number of legendary sessions, from his (nearly) first record Takin' Off, to The Prisoner.
Recording with the new Mile's cats, he then took an important turn (around the time of Head Hunters), experimenting and mixing genres, thus drifting from his previous fan base expectations.
While the hardbop's crowd thought he was completely lost for the cause, he then took a radical U-turn, with the all-stars-all-jazz V.S.O.P.
He has since recorded and experimented in a lot of directions, exploring "sound textures" and touring with various bands.
Certainly a very complex personality, with an extensive discography.
Legal name: Herbert Jeffrey Hancock
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