The Very Best of Cat Stevens (Universal Music)

~ Release group by Cat Stevens

Album + Compilation

The Very Best of Cat StevensCat StevensCD20
  • US2000-03-28
UTV Records314 541 387-2731454138727
The Very Best of Cat StevensCat StevensCD20
  • CA2000-05-09
UTV Records3145413872731454138727
The Very Best of Cat StevensCat StevensCD24
  • GB2003-11-03
Island (imprint of Island Records, a division of Universal Music Group)981 120-9602498112090
The Very Best of Cat StevensCat StevensCD24
Universal (plain logo “Universal” used by Universal Music and Universal Pictures)STARCD 68456009143076839
The Very Best of Cat StevensCat StevensCD + DVD24 + 7
Universal Music TV (UK, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited), Universal (plain logo “Universal” used by Universal Music and Universal Pictures)981 120-8602498112083
The Very Best of Cat StevensCat StevensCD24
Universal (plain logo “Universal” used by Universal Music and Universal Pictures), Universal Music TV (UK, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited)981 120-9, 9811209602498112090


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