
Missa Brevis 11 "Sancti Johnnis Baptistae" / Missa Brevis 4 "Corde Natus" / MotetsHealey Willan; Choirs of St. Mary Magdalene, Toronto, Robert Hunter BellCD29
Virgin Classics (absorbed into Erato since 2013-07-19)7243 5 45109 2 2724354510922
Tenebrae Responsaries / Missae brevesHealey Willan; Choirs of St. Mary Magdalene, Toronto, Robert Hunter BellCD33
Virgin Classics (absorbed into Erato since 2013-07-19)CDC 7243 5 45260 2 2724354526022
In the Heavenly Kingdom: Hymns, Anthems and MotetsHealey Willan; Elora Festival Singers, Noel EdisonCD18
  • US2006-05-16
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